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Tila'thyu is the largest continent to be found in Edarmyrni,


The largest known continent of the world, Tilabilia is to the east of the other continents. Stretching across the northern and southern hemispheres allows it to have every type of biome imaginable. Whether that be the frozen tundras and glacial plains to the north, or the barren, sand swept deserts through the center.   The eastern coast has a dense, lush forest running across both hemispheres, but more predominantly in the south. Moving west from this forest are the Eisliesen (Killing in elven). Barren, empty areas only inhabited by the worst of beasts. Even the wasted orcs and goblins refuse this area. The western edges of the Eisliesen are somewhat more habitable, with more tropical areas on the very western peninsulas.   Past the northern forest border lies the Kerym mountain range (sword in elven). A deep and dangerous area, where the surface is cold and stark. The land between Kerym and Kirthol Mountains (Thunder Mountains) have much taiga and hills. Along the western coast here are somewhat temperate forests, along with a mixture of taiga and some smaller grasslands. Past Kirthol Edel, is what the dwarfs call, Turlaghh. Covered in glaciers, sometimes fertile tundra and thick taiga.
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