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Clangeddin Silverbeard

the Father of Battle, the Giantkiller, the Goblinbane, Lord of the Twin Axes, the Rock of Battle, the Wyrmslayer

Clangeddin Silverbeard, was the dwarven deity of battle, strategy and honour in warfare. He was known as the Father of Battle and the Lord of the Twin Axes. His holy symbol was two crossed battleaxes. He delighted in battle, although he did not tolerate treachery or deceit, and he expected his followers to do the same. He and his followers hated giants and trained their fellow dwarves in special ways to fight them.

He was also a lawful good exarch of Moradin.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crossed silver battleaxes


Religious Views

Clangeddin's clerics, known as alaghor ("Those who demonstrate valor in battle") taught and learnt the art of forging armour and weapons, and practiced military training each day. Though they sought to make their dwarven brethren stronger on the battlefield through their teachings, followers of Clangeddin were often viewed as little more than bloodthirsty barbarians among other races.

Clangeddin's priests wore silver war helms and chain mail. He was worshiped before and during battle and weapons were sacrificed to him in honor.
Divine Classification


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