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The Morndinsamman (dwarven for "shield brothers on high" or "high dwarves") was the collective name of the deities that formed the pantheon worshiped by dwarves. Many of the members of the Morndinsamman were Exarchs of Moradin himself, though were still considered gods all the same. The Grey Morndinsamman was formed from exiled gods of the original Morndinsamman.

Ever since the Thunder Blessing occured, a number of new dwarven gods were acknowledged; namely the twins Marthammor and Muamman, Mya, Roknar, Sharindlar, Ulaa and Valkauna. The portfolios held by these new gods emphasised different ways to view dwarven existence that had developed, causing many scholars to see this as a sign from Moradin that the dwarven people should shift away from tradition.


Greater deities:

  • Moradin, greater god of all dwarves and chief among the Morndinsamman. The god of creation, craft and the entire dwarven race. He is credited as having crafted the dwarven people out of stone in his own image.

Intermediate deities:

  • Berronar Truesilver, intermediate goddess of hearth and home. Considered Moradins consort and matriarch of both the dwarven pantheon and the dwarven race. Some in dwarven culture attribute her skill as a negotiator to be a primary reason for the dwarven race to have avoided extinction during their slow decline.
  • Dumathoin, intermediate god of mining, gems and underground exploration. Patron of shield dwarves and protector of the dwarven dead.
  • Sharindlar, intermediate goddess of fertility, romantic love and healing. She was responsible for the gradual increase of romantic courtship among dwarves, who had long before seen marriage as a duty to ones clan.

Lesser deities:

  • Gorm Gulthyn, lesser god of vigilance, defence and protection. He was the guardian of all dwarves, and worshipers were most often those who guarded their communities against Underdark threats.
  • Haela Brightaxe, lesser goddess of luck and battle. She provided strength to dwarves who took risks in battle, and herself was slain in battle with Deep Duerra and Laduguer.
  • Hanseath, lesser god of war, carousing and alcohol. His most common worshipers were brewers, and dwarves who fought in battle despite impossible odds.
  • Thautam, lesser god of magic, secrets and mysteries. Seen often as an elderly dwarf, spending most of his time alone and assisting Moradin as an uncle might occasionally.


  • Tharmekhul, demipower of the forge and molten rock, and war to a smaller extent.


  • Abbathor, exarch to Bane and god of greed. The only evil member of the Morndinsamman. Unique in that while few dwarves worship him, they all feel the touch of greed he represents.
  • Clangeddin Silverbeard, exarch to Moradin and god of battle, valor and honor in combat. His followers were taught in special ways to combat giants.
  • Dugmaren Brightmantle, exarch to Moradin and god of scholarschip, discovery and invention. Idealizes the underlying desire of the normally conservative dwarven race to bring about new innovation of which it prides itself upon.
  • Marthammor Duin, exarch to Moradin and god of wanderers. He is the patron of all dwarves who left their clanhold to explore the world and a common choice of worship for exiled dwarves.
  • Muamman Duathal, exarch to Moradin and god of travel. A lesser-known god and twin brother to Marthammor, Muamman is the rare case of a dwarf who felt comfortable on the ocean.
  • Mya, exarch to Berronar Truesilver and god of the clan and family. She is a mainstay of dwarven culture, representing the warmth all clans provide to their members.
  • Thard Harr, exarch to Moradin and god of survival, hunting and nature. He is the patron of the rarely seen wild dwarven subrace as well.
  • Vergadain, exarch to Moradin and god of trade, wealth, negotiation, luck, trickery and chance. His position was rare, in that it demonstrated both dwarven skill in negotiation while also watching over the few dwarves of the world who use illegal means to gain wealth.


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