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Haela Brightaxe

Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden, the Hard, Battle-sister

Haela Brightaxe was a dwarven demigoddess of battle and luck, one in spirit with goodly dwarves who loved to fight and who lived to cleanse the world of evil monsters. As a goddess of chance, the Luckmaiden took great risks in the battles she fought without hesitation, and when the hearts of dwarves joyfully sung with the fight's thrumming thrill, the Lady of the Fray gave a triumphant huzzah of support.


Haela, along with Gorm Gulthyn, died in the Morndinsamman's battle with the duergar deities Laduguer and Deep Duerra in 1383. However, it was possible that she still had influence outside of Realmspace.

In the wake of the Second Sundering, signs indicating the return of Haela in the Realms, as well as her duergar enemies, had begun to surface. This included a formerly duergar held dwarfhold, being found by a group of adventurers, who found all the duergar living there slain to the last by some seemingly supernatural force that spoke with the voice of a dwarven woman.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Haela often appeared in a spectacular, albeit harmless, burst of sudden blue-white flames as a 6 ft (1.8 m) tall, heavily muscled female dwarf. Sometimes she was armored in fine dwarven scale mail or plate mail and at others she was clad only in her silver hair, a long, flowing mane and beard.

Special abilities

By constantly spinning and twirling in a battle dance, Haela could parry the attacks of her enemies and thwart those made against her nearby allies. Though incapable of stopping magical attacks, any attempt to cast spells was ruined by her movements. When fighting off an individual or pair of foes, they stood practically no chance of advancing or landing a hit on her, but the more opponents she faced, the harder it became to deflect all their moves, and flying foes were doubly difficult to fend off. If mobbed by more than eight enemies at once, her dance of battle would be insufficient to fend them off, but she could still fight bare-handed and could parry her foes just as easily disarmed as she could when wielding a weapon. The presence of the Luckmaiden would cause great exultation in the dwarves nearby, allowing them to fight even harder while watching her.

Magical weapons were needed to injure the Lady of the Fray, but even these could be insufficient to harm her. Once per day, for around nine minutes, Haela could make herself intangible to metal weapons, causing them to pass through her while also making her unable to pick them up or deflect them. Once this protection was invoked, she could transfer it to any other creature by her mere touch. Similarly, she could cast resurrection on a single being once per day as well, instantly restoring them to life.  


Manifestations of Haela's powers always involved an aura of silvery flames speckled with blue-white and amber sparks, although this was merely visual and lacked any actual heat. If her aura surrounded a dwarf, they would be instantly healed of all injury and magically imbued with her power, so much so that it extended to their weapons and gave them the properties of being both silver and enchanted. If she surrounded a weapon with her aura, it would become supreme never missing and always striking their intended opponent in the way that harmed them most.

However, it would be counterproductive to use this on already magical weapons since their supernatural properties would be suspended (and therefore unable to be drained or tampered with) and would only be able to do physical damage until the power faded. Whether used on a dwarf or weapon, Haela's imbued aura would fade after about 2-5 minutes. She could imbue her aura from a great distance away and in the middle of her battle dances, though she couldn't fully focus on parrying then. She was also known to manifest her pleasure through the discovery of her favored gems and her displeasure when such items dissolved into puddles of blood.

Specialized Equipment

Haela's typical weapon of choice was Flamebolt, a two-handed sword oversized for her height always encircled by tongues of spiraling, but harmless, flames when she fought. The sword couldn't hurt her, and she often hurled it into the air only to catch it by the blade, vaulted upwards to a high ledge or balcony with a hand upon its edge, or exuberantly slid down the sword itself. She could cause the sword to vanish or reappear in an instant, although it required a few dozen seconds to manifest after being sent away and vice versa.

Every ten minutes or so, Haela could also call upon her titular Brightaxe, a shining throwing axe of silver as tall as a man. Within a minute, the axe would suddenly appear in midair before spending the next flashing through the air according to Haela's will, although she couldn't use any other magical powers during either length of time. The axe flew up to 140 ft (43 m), assuredly injuring whatever it struck and, if mortal, leaving the targets stunned and thus incapable of performing any voluntary actions, including spellcasting or activating magic.

Personality Characteristics


Among the dwarves and their gods, Haela was well-known for her gregariousness and always upbeat attitude. The charming demigod delivered gallows humor quips with a wide smile and laughed readily and infectiously in her booming voice. She had a love of no-holds-barred brawls, but wasn't unthinking, proving herself rather resourceful.

The Lady of the Fray was rarely found at home, usually going through wildspace or a world where dwarves were enjoying battle but needed help. She preferred making direct appearances to those she was assisting, only rarely empowering a dwarf or weapon without showing first when no other help would be needed or simply to help the dwarves hold the line until she could arrive while she finished business elsewhere. Once she appeared, she faced off against the foe of greatest ferocity or most dangerous to the present dwarves, battling for about four minutes and moving on to the second most pressing threat if the first was defeated.

Rather than actually fight the enemy for those she was rescuing, her aid came in the form of a distraction, keeping the enemy busy with her battle dance while the dwarves regrouped and got the injured to safety. Haela healed dwarves only if she deemed it necessary, and customarily only revived dwarves that died valiantly in battle, although if begged to by the dwarves, she would aid nondwarven allies and companions as well. If the engagement took longer than four minutes to resolve, Haela would close her appearance by healing around 2-8 dwarves, striking a single blow in earnest, empowering a dwarf and/or weapon, and then vanishing with her hand held high, already racing off to the next conflict.

Rarely did she stay in one place for long and she almost never returned to the same individuals or fights twice in a day. However, over the course of their lives, her favored dwarves, those of particular valor and boldness, might receive multiple visits from the Luckmaiden. Upon the death of such individuals, she would carry them away to become her Guardians and avenge them if they were slain by hunting down their killers, no matter their strength or how long it took, although she considered their blood price already paid if they were raised after she killed them.


Contacts & Relations

Like most of the dwarven gods, Haela had always been in good standing with the majority of the Morndinsamman, respected as she was for her lively manner and pleasant company. She was thought to be one of the most recent additions, being the granddaughter of Moradin and Berronar rather than a direct descendent. She made sure to honor her more established and powerful brothers and sisters in the Morndinsamman, in part because she was the only active and widely recognized dwarven demigod in the Realms, by never acting against their wishes, though she accepted only Moradin as her superior.

Of her kin, she preferred the company of Marthammor Duin and Clangeddin Silverbeard, with whom her portfolio overlapped. Being a goddess of dwarven warriors that travelled far from home, she worked closely with the Finder-of-Trails, with whom she shared an interest regarding the surface world. The Lady of the Fray and the Father of Battles both had a love for combat and had good relations, with Clangeddin regarding her as both a daughter and a protegee. She also was one of Dugmaren's regular partners, assisting him in the exploits he so often got involved in.

Berronar was somewhat cool towards Haela viewing her antics (as well as those of Dugmaren and Marthammor) with patient humor. The Revered Mother believed the younger dwarven gods had yet to set into the rules dictated by propriety, and anticipated the day when they and their followers would settle down to traditional clan life. The greedy Abbathor, who was always interested in luck, had sent increasingly more dangerous threats to Haela ever since she spurned his interest. Like most of the accepted members of the Morndinsamman, Haela was an enemy of Laduguer and Deep Duerra.  


Haela was so focused on dwarves that she had little time for gods outside her own pantheon. Still, she could count several among her allies, including many from the halfling pantheon. Brandobaris, halfling god of adventure and stealth, shared a role with her as one of Dugmaren's typical accomplices. Arvoreen, halfling god of vigilance and dutiful defense, and Cyrrollalee, halfling goddess of friendship and hospitality, were also associates of hers. Others included Tempus, the Lord of Battle, Eilistraee, drow goddess of redemption and notable for her dancing swordplay, and Tymora, a goddess of luck possibly originating from the halfling pantheon.

Aside from the more unsavory gods of her own pantheon, Haela had traditionally dwarven enemies in the pantheons of orcs, goblins, kobolds, and evil giants. Also counted among her foes were Beshaba, Tymora's counterpart of misfortune, and notably Urdlen, the gnomish god of greed, though the mole hated everyone and everything.


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