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Oak Father, The Old Oak, Old Father Tree, The Forest Father, Treefather

Silvanus, the Forest Father, was the god of nature, though formerly considered only the god of wild nature and druids. Silvanus was one of the oldest and most prominent deities on the younger continents of Kasetia and Skortenia, and the wilder counterpart to Chauntea the Earthmother. His worshipers protected places of nature from the encroachment of civilization with vigor and were implacable foes of industrious peoples. Silvanus' was normally a level headed deity, though abhored the use of necromancy and lycanthropy. Silvanus led a group of three nature deities called The Nature Collective.

The church of Silvanus had a pervasive influence, especially across the continents of Kasetia and Skortenia. Non-worshipers often viewed the church unfavorably due to its tendency to disrupt expansion into woodland, sometimes with violence. Examples of rituals for worship were entreaties for spells at sundown or in moonlight. The Dryad Dance was a replenishing ritual of wild, wayward dance that called out dryads to join the ritualists for mating. Most Silvanite clerics, sometimes referred to as Forest Masters, also functioned as druids or rangers.


Despite being one of the oldest deities of Edarmyrni, Silvanus had few defining events during the Ascension and the Decline, as he preferred to avoid the conflicts perpetrated by man or deity and instead assisted in the protection of nature during these events.

During the Ascension, while Thundatross ruled much of Kasetia, the first known druidic conclave, The Emerald Conclave was founded on what is now, the Arrow Isle. Silvanus, who had previously avoided human interaction, recognized this and allowed humanity to harness the power of druidic magic, forming the druidic language in the process.

After The Beastlord Malar discovered the secrets of lycanthropy and monstrosities such as owlbears, basilisks and displacer beasts were birthed into the world by ill-advised humanoids, Silvanus grew weak and vowed to destroy any trace of Malars influence and the bastardized version of the beasts Silvanus held dear were wiped from existence.

The birth of Mielikki and Eldath along with the domains they grew to rule over led to Silvanus becoming more understanding of some forms of lycanthropy as well as monstrosities. Mielikkis ability to convince SIlvanus that not all were inherently evil and were products of their creators would lead to Silvanus' embracing the existence of these monsters. Mielikki subsequently provided rangers the ability to harness magical powers at the behest of Silvanus, who requested they act as a means of preventing human expansion and the unnatural spawn of the world from overwhelming the lesser creatures. Eldath showed Silvanus how his rash actions in quickly resorting to violence may have been the cause for such problems in the Balance, and urged him to act in a more peaceful manner in the future.

During the events of the Mortalbound Period, Silvanus was believed to have died in a fight with Talos. Though was resurrected after his life force was absorbed into a treant through the assistance of The Emerald Conclave, recently appointed god of the dead, Kelemvor and The Seldarine. After a slumber of 100 years, Silvanus was born anew and retook his place as head of The Nature Collective.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Oak leaf

Tenets of Faith

Silvanus saw and balanced all, meting out wild water and drought, fire and ice, life and death. Hold your distance and take in the total situation, rather than latching on to the popular idea of what is best. All is in cycle, deftly and beautifully balanced. It is the duty of the devout to see this cycle and the sacred Balance as clearly as possible. Make others see the Balance and work against those that would disturb it. Watch, anticipate, and quietly manipulate. Resort to violence and open confrontation only when pressured by time or hostile action. Fight against the felling of forests, banish disease wherever you find it, defend the trees, and plant new flora wherever possible. Seek out, serve, and befriend the dryads and learn their names. Kill only when needful, destroy fire and its employers, and beware orcs and others who bring axes into the forest.


Contacts & Relations

Whilst having no superiors, Silvanus was a long-time ally of Chauntea, despite their clergies' differences. He was also allied with Lathander. Silvanus was served directly by Eldath and Mielikki, whom some called his daughters, and indirectly by Lurue and Shiallia.

Silvanus resented the destructive nature of Talos, the Lady of Poison, Talona, who encouraged disease beyond what was natural and reserved his greatest hatred for the Beastlord Malar and his followers, working against his insatiable bloodlust at every opportunity. Silvanus despised life-threatening impulses in anything.

Silvanus regarded the Deities of Fury as a constant source of pain, but tended to accept the natural aspects of their existence as something to be accepted and endured as an aspect of existence. This pardoning of more natural aspects of nature is often attributed as the reason for Silvanus' utter contempt of Malar.
Divine Classification


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