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The Beastlord, The Black-Blooded One

Malar, The Beastlord, was the lesser deity of the hunt, evil lycanthropes, bestial savagery and bloodlust. His dogma concerned savage hunts, the spreading of the curse of lycanthropy, and general contempt for civilization. Malar discovered the secrets of lycanthropy during the Ascension. Often seen as a brother god to Silvanus, though Silvanus abhors such a comparison.


Malar was previously part of a nomadic group of Dammaran people from the Northern Steppe Belt on Skortenia during the Ascension. Little is known of the events prior to his discovery of lycanthropy and subsequent promotion to godhood, though he was believed to be a skiller hunter and tracker.

During a hunt, Malar was skinning a deer that he and his hunting partner had recently slain. The kill brought the attention of a wolf pack, who surrounded the slain beast and began closing in on the two hunters. Rather than fighting back against the wolves, a bestial connection in Malars brain was sparked and he subsequently killed his fellow man, and feasting on the raw flesh.

Malar stayed with the wolf pack for the remainder of that day. As night fell and the animals lay down to rest, the overhanging clouds in the night sky began to break, with a full moon pearing through. As the lunar energy fell down on Malar, his body was changed forever, turning him into a bastardised form of both beast and human. This new form was a mixture of feline, canine and human form. Dark grey fur, a long bushy tail, elongated feet and hands with accompanying claws and pointed ears sprouted from his the once human Malar. His face turned into that of a panther, though was made forever crimson red, symbolizing the slaughter he was destined to bring.

In his new form, Malar had been tainted with lycanthropy, though would forever remain in his bestial form. His former tribe became his hunting ground, who he gradually turned into beasts similar to himself, though far less vicious. 

The Overgod saw this discovery and found the pantheon lacking a deity to represent a mixture between beast and man. Malar was then appointed The Beastlord and became the god of the hunt.

During the Mortalbound Period, Malar attempted to hunt down the few followers of Erzeck not yet dead.

Divine Domains

Nature, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clawed paw


Contacts & Relations

Malar was one of the Deities of Fury, led by Talos. He held a long-standing alliance with Lolth against the Seldarine, and other dark deities like Bane and Loviatar. He fought against deities of peace, civilization, and nature, but held particular hate for Nobanion for defeating him in a battle during the Time of Troubles.
Divine Classification
Chaotic evil


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