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Szazloroszal River

Cutting through the western areas of Northern Skortenia is the Szazloroszal River. The source of the river can be found in the northeastern areas of the Zapaykra Mountains. The river flows through much of the territory claimed by the Bulrilg Confederation.


In the upper reaches of the river, the land is typically rather rocky, with steep drops being a common feature of the environment. The river flattens out considerably once it reaches the Dlinyy Forest edge, being rather calm for the rest of its journey towards the ocean, save the area preceding a waterfall roughly half the distance to the ocean.

Fauna & Flora

The river has many different animals depending on where one looks. The northern areas have more cold-climate denizens, while the temperate areas south are called home by those more acclimitized to some form of warm weather, with reptiles even found in some parts.


The river has; owing to its considerable size, acted as a natural border between the different settler groups in the region, and been the source of many skirmishes throughout the regions history.

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