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Zapaykra Mountains

The Zapaykra Mountains is often thought as the edge of the civilization by the Damaran people of North Skortenia. Besides the Bulrilg Confederation, Sky-Watchers and a handful of dwarf clans, little else exists, with scattered remnants of the Hakhrazian Hordes found throughout the northern reaches, and barely any settlements on the western side, save a few minuscule fishing villages.   The area, being the origins of the lost giant kingdom of Ostoria, still has sizable groups of giants throughout. Hill giants are known to inhabit the highlands of the north, the stone giant fortress of Nedeheim established in the low Underdark serves as one of the few reminders of the lost kingdom of Ostoria, frost giants are a common sight among the glaciers, fire giants remain near the areas with high volcanic activity in the northwest and a few cloud giants castles remain past the cloud layer of the highest elevations. Storm giants remain absent from the range, with little information about their whereabouts being available.


Through lower altitudes, taiga is most common, with transitional sub-alpine forest zones. As elevation increases, tundra dominates the landscape. In the highest areas, a collection of glaciers known as the Jotunn Glaciers spreads across the upper peaks of the region. Many of the rivers and streams found here feed into the Dinrazrez Fjord.

Fauna & Flora


  • Sedges
  • Shrubs
  • Short grasses
  • Coniferous forests


  • Mammoth
  • Brown bears
  • Cave bears
  • Elk
  • Moose
  • Boar
  • Wolves
  • Eagles
  • Owls
  • Goats
  • Sabre-toothed tigers


  • Yetis
  • Giantkind
  • Wyverns
  • White dragons


The long-dead giant kingdom Ostoria found its legs in the foothills of the mountain regions here and remained active from the years -20,000 to -10,000, with some of the remnants still found throughout.   The area was synonymous with orcs after Ostoria fell, with the previous cave-dwelling denizens of the area spreading through the surface areas in scattered tribes. A group of dwarven kingdoms developed in the area during the Great Migration, around the year -1000, long prior to the establishment of human settlements. Said kingdoms were overrun after the rise of the Spine-Breakers, coinciding with the events of Fates End.
Alternative Name(s)
Giantkinds Home
Mountain Range
Location under
Included Organizations

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