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History of Kasetia

History of the continent of Kasetia

  • Circa -8000
    First Appearance of Goliaths on Kasetia
    Population Migration / Travel

    According to stone giant carvings in the Seper Range, goliaths made their first appearance on Kasetia at this time, serving as a labour force of their giant masters.

  • Circa -7300
    Dwarves Appear in the Seper Range
    Population Migration / Travel

    While the origin of the first dwarves is unknown to all save Moradin, the oldest recorded known dwarven civilisation on the continent dates to sometime around -7300, with a small kingdom forming on the Seper Ranges western tip.

  • Circa -3340
    First Elves on Kasetia

    While the specific date is not known, the most ancient dragons of Darastri maintained memories of interacting with elves on Kasetia during the century of -3300 to -3200. Though this is not confirmed, many believe it to be true.

  • -551
    Thunders End
    Life, Death

    Death of thundatross by tyr

    Additional timelines
  • 106

    21 Eleint 530:00

    The Espetania Earthquake
    Geological / environmental event

    An incredible earthquake affecting southwest Kasetia and the Arrow Isle, leading to the destruction of much of the city of Enaveirveiro, with much of it sinking into the ocean.

  • 156

    Founding of the Endless Blood Cult

    The founding of the necromancy related endless blood cult

  • 958


    The Year of Restless Sands
    Disaster / Destruction