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Edarmyrnis History

Edarymyrni is the name of this world. The name derives from the draconic words edar (earth) and kosjmyrni (mothers’ child - to raise another person's child). The dragons were the greatest powers that existed at year 0 (after the Decline) and played a great part in the worlds development, which led to their naming of it. It features a variety of sweeping landscapes, bustling trade networks and untouched relics from ages past, or people forgotten.

The Ascension

... 0

The Ascension was the first age of Edarmyrni. Prior to the Ascension, few gods existed, and those that did were representative of the more primal forces of existence. During the Ascension, the other creator races gradually disappeared from the plant, with only the humans remaining.   The Sarrukh were the first to experience turmoil, having many of their creations (serpentkind) turn on them, eventually forcing them into exile. Without a strong central power however, the serpentkind never flourished as consistently as the Sarrukh had. Although no-one really knows the fate of the Batrachi, it’s thought they fled to the outer planes, becoming the Slaadi. The Aearee fell into decline as a result of various wars with dragons, elemental lords, dwarves and all manner of other creatures, eventually accepting an offer to serve the Elemental Plane of Air. The fey discovered the feywild, and having done so, opted to largely migrate there. The humans were the only race to stay in the material plane, having nought the technology or magical prowess to flee.

  • -10000 AN

    -7000 AN

    Crown Wars
    Military action

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  • -2008 AN

    -1200 AN

    Death of the Creators
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Death of the Creators is a period marked by draconic scholars as one of disappearance, with all creator races save humans remaning (in large numbers) on the Material Plane upon its conclusion. Most scholars of the Darastri consider it to be the most consequential event of the Ascension.

  • -2002 AN

    -1187 AN

    Fate of Mortals
    Military: War

    The Fate of Mortals was a period of war fought between dragons and giants prior to both species becoming fractured in their unity. With the giants on jotun kingdom of Ostoria in Tila'thyu's north and the dragons a part of the fledgling state of Darastri which was then spread over the 'unsunken' Posuidete Archipelago; the pair of state fought a conflict over a perceived inheritance of how to guide a planet that was rapidly emptying of its intelligent populaces as a result of the Death of the the Creators.   Darastri is oft considered the eventual victor after the Worldbreaker Skirmish, though they failed to act upon their victory in the grand war.

  • Circa -2000
    Discovery of the Feywild
    Discovery, Exploration

    A group of Fey that included some members of the first Seelie Court discovered the existence of Seelie Pathways along with the nature of Fey Crossings. The specific location is unknown.

  • -1999 AN

    -1995 AN

    Departure of the Fey
    Population Migration / Travel

    Over a period of years, many of the fey species fled the Material Plane for the feywild, leading to the first of various fey creatures such as hags, redcaps and blink dogs. By the periods end, only more primal forces of fey remained on the Material Plane.

  • -1950 AN

    Reptilian Creation
    Scientific achievement

    Somewhere in what is now the Posuidete Archipelago; when the region consisted of significantly larger islands, in a Sarrukh city the first yuan-ti was created after an experimentation amalgamating human and reptilians together. These first generations of yuan-ti were used as a slave race by the Sarrukh.   In the years after this, the Sarrukh of the region would also create the first lizardfolk, in addition to numerous other reptilian humanoids.

  • -1538 AN

    Maw Earthquake
    Disaster / Destruction

    A tremendous earthquake south of the Darastrix Island causing flooding along the nearby coastlines of the Posuidete.

  • -1537 AN

    Disappearance of the Batrachi

    In what seemed to occur seemingly overnight, cities of Batrachi disappeared as documented by the bronze dragon scholar, Everthought. While the reason and nature of their departure is a source of speculation, a long-held theory holds that the Batrachi fled to Limbo and evolved into the Slaadi.

  • -1530 AN

    -1250 AN

    The Aeree Conflicts
    Military: War

    Considered the decline of the militaristic dominance held by the aeree, the Aeree Conflicts were a series of wars waged by the aeree that ultimately led to the destruction of their culture and the races eventual retreat from the Material Plane.

  • -1159 AN

    -785 AN

    The Great Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Great Migration was a period of over 400 years where humans progressively spread through the world, eventually settling in the place seen across the world today.

  • -1000 AN

    Dawn Cataclysm
    Diplomatic action

    The Dawn Cataclysm was an attempt by the god Lathander to reshape the pantheon in his own image. This is often seen as being the precipitating event to The Decline, though scholars are divided on the subject.

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  • -551
    Thunders End
    Life, Death

    Death of thundatross by tyr

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The Decline

0 807

The Decline is the human name for an extended period of turmoil across the Material Plane and amongst the gods. The event is seen as having happened due to Lathanders attempt to rebuild Edarmyrnis pantheon in his own image. This war led to the deaths of many dieties and reshaped numerous pantheons, including non-human ones. Key events during the Decline include the birth of Tiamat, the burying of Kurtulmak, the rise of Maglubiyet, the corruption by Yeenoghu, Asmodeus' trial, Zariels' subsequent fall and the appearance of the first female Gnomish dieties.

  • 380 DC

    29 Kythorn
    381 DC

    1 Hammer

    Mortalbound Period
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Mortalbound Period saw The Overgod cast every god down onto earth to walk in their mortal forms. The event was precipitated by Masks stealing of the Tablets of Fate. Angry at the gods for their habitual pursuit of power and negligence toward their mortal faithful, The Overgod relegated every god (except for the guardian god Helm, selected to protect the gates to the heavens) to walk among their followers on the earth.

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  • 382 DC

    392 DC

    Time of Absent Magic

    After Mystras death at the hands of Helm, Midnight was chosen as the new goddess of magic. Her position was short lived, being murdered by Cyric. This brought about the Time of Absent Magic, during which arcane magic ceased to function and numerous areas of the planet were changed.

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  • 792 DC

    807 DC

    Fates End
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Fates end involved the The Overgod manufacturing a new set of Tablets of Fate, which would define the roles of every god for the foreseeable future.

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