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The Crwydryn Meddw (The 'Kroee-drinn Meh-thu')

"During the bout with the Copper Flames soldiers, the fight came to a halt when the sound of a clarion horn was heard in the sky. Initially, we suspected that the Golden Winds were seeking to join, but instead, we saw what appeared to be, and I must enforce I am writing this report with full sincerity, a flying naval ship appearing from a hole in the sky.   The hole mended, and both of our platoons were in a bit of a daze examining the object. It soon came to the ground, and a large woman with dark skin, pointed ears, and golden eyes wearing a red naval coat came to speak with us.   She spoke some words joyfully and loudly, although a meeker companion translated on her behalf, asking if we could point her towards 'The Big Mountain in the middle, where they make that great mead with the cherries.' None of us knew what she was referring to before a mage on the enemies' side spoke about the Material Realm and their central mountain.   After some clarification, and a bit of a scuffle between the two strangers that we could not understand, they apologized and the ship took off once more, disappearing the same way it had arrived.   Following this, both of our platoons had decided we had seen enough for one day, and we respectfully withdrew the day's campaign. End report."
--Battle Report from a Silver Earth Kingdom General.
When Annwn le Fay first began her rebellion against Queen Titania, she did so without any allies, resources, or knowledge outside of Ig, her fae companion. However, her brazen, confident, and rather hilarious nature began to persuade many other faes to her side throughout her journey, and she began to build a large crew of her own.   One day, using the power of the Seelie Land she had been given, Annwn had begun to make trips back into the material realm, evading bad publicity and snatching many fun things. On one such occasion, she and a large number of her crew had come together and set their eyes on one massive prize: The Noble Traveler, a Hippolytan naval vessel that was the pride of the kingdom. None before it had compared to its size, speed, and power, and none after would either.   For Annwn and her now-fellow fae, there could be no bigger prize, but there could also be no bigger threat. Iron was everywhere on those ships, and even if it didn't burn it still warded and trapped the fae, and she didn't want herself or them to become the playthings of the court. But, on this day, the ship was brought ashore for repairs, and the pieces began to fall into place.   With a night full of trickery, carefully schemed plans, perfect timing, and a few cases of sheer good luck that seemed too good to be true, perhaps a sign of Annwn's connection to the Seelie, or the God-Fae looking favorably upon the act, the entire crew snuck aboard and took up positions on the ship after kicking out the regular crew. Of course, this still left one hole in the plan no one, not even the clever Ig, had really thought of: what to do after the ship was taken.   But, once again, Annwn's brash nature, and the power of the land behind her, came through. As she declared the ship hers, it became an extension of her power, and her indomitable will to surpass all things, and do as she saw fit. So, if she wanted the ship to fly through the air, who's to stop her? If she wanted the ship to slip back to Seelie, where she could show it off and rub it in Titania's face, who could tell her no? And if she wanted every piece of iron to either pop out or turn to stone, who did the simple metal think it was to deny her?   With a burst of magic, force, and sheer will, the boat was hers to command, and she decided a more fitting name was due for their claimed vessel: The Drunken Wanderer, which Ig translated to the others as The Crwydryn Meddw.

Power Generation

What gives The Drunken Wanderer its mystic powers is the same source of Annwn le Fay's great strength: the power of the very Seelie land itself. While in the Feywild or its associates, the ship has a nigh-infinite flow of power and can do any number of complicated tasks at the whim of the woman at its wheel. When traversing other planes, it will take a drain on both the ship and the captain, making a trip back 'home' necessary. Luckily, the Captain always keeps an item on hand to pop them home if they ever run empty away.


By channeling the power of all Seelie and Unseelie alike, Annwn and The Drunken Wanderer can release 'The Winds of Titania', propelling the ship forward at intense speeds that can rival the fae queen herself, all with a mystic gust that the captain herself controls, allowing for complicated maneuvers and tactics. While it can only last a short duration, it's a powerful skill to have in fights.

Weapons & Armament

As it was originally a naval vessel, The Drunken Wanderer is equipped with a standard amount of cannons for a ship of its caliber, around 30. However, Annwn found them dreadfully boring, and over time has replaced them with increasingly eclectic and "Cooler" mounted weapons, leading to a vast variety of weaponry available on the ship itself. This, of course, doesn't include the various magical weapons and artifacts she has recovered for her crew throughout her journies.

Armor and defense

The Drunken Wanderer is always protected by a Dragonfly-Wing Shield, which is a construct of Annwn's own creation, shielding them not only from attacks and the elements of other planes but also from detection and magical targeting, if she so desires. While it is also dependent on Annwn's own power, it is rumored that the shield withheld four Ancient Dragon Breaths simultaneously without faltering.

Communication Tools & Systems

While communication with The Wanderer and its crew is usually blocked by the Dragonfly-Wing Shield, captain Annwn has taken it upon herself to get one of those new-fangled CELL Stones, along with a small connection to the material realm to keep it active, along with a magic mailbox set up by her daughter Moronoe for herself and her crew.

Hangars & docked vessels

While they aren't used often, the ship has two small flying ships known as the Ig-Rigs that are used for exploring tight spots and more delicate skirmish fighting when need be. They aren't the most durable or the most powerful but are incredibly quick and dextrous, modeled after hummingbirds. Luckily if they're destroyed, they send the pilot back to the ship, and it's only a matter of Annwn wishing it for them to begin rebuilding within the ship.
The Drunken Wanderer
'Cerdded heb wahaniaeth' aka "Walk without distinction"
35 ft.
117 ft.
42 ft.
Hard to tell
87 knots at highest (most dangerous) potential
Complement / Crew
333~ (most are magic, as a lot of ship functions are directly controlled by the Captain)
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
As many as needed


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