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The Sanctuary of The Enriched Reborn

Nestled between the Potion and Banking Districts within the lovely city of Paris, there exists a rather unique Church. Technically a shrine to The Reborn, the Ascendant Goddess of Healing and of Medicine, those who invented the Sanctuary have equated Health with Financial Fortitude, and make sure their followers do as well.   Secretly, or not so secretly to those in the know, the church is backed by The Gothica Family, as Zepar Gothica has taken the role of Archpriest, and the family uses it to take care of healing requests and the claiming of debt via those requests.


Archpriest Zepar does most of the big decision making amongst the Church, but there are also several Bishops who take leadership roles as well, such as Bishop Ali Bloodtiller and Bishop Samantha Katzavdat.

Public Agenda

To enrich the lives of every person around them, and to free them from ailments, sickness, and temptation.

Mythology & Lore

According to the Sanctuary, when The Reborn was felled by The Charmed out of jealousy, her form was remade in godly Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, from which she gave wealth and value to the world, and as such those who give wealth and value in return to her shall gain her blessing and her boon, and those who don't deserve what's coming to them.

Rich in Mind, Body, and Soul

Founding Date
921 AC
Religious, Temple


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