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Magnian Rail Train

"The Giants crafted this land with deft fingers, yet could not foresee the state of man over time. Now, man has made their own giant of steel and iron, and it shall carve through the land as well to connect each and every one of us."  
--Article in the Snow Fox, titled "A new path for Magnum Opus."


While Magnum Opus is titled the nation of freedom and is a center of commerce on a national scale, not everywhere in the nation is so easy to traverse. This is especially true to the far north, both on the mainland and on the Mogila Island detached from that northern mainland. Not only did this leave the mainland seperate from their northern neighbors, it also made travelling between cities in the north an extreme challenge, as the rocky, icey, snow-covered terrain took time, skill, and luck to traverse.   A lack of information, a lack of unity, and a lack of allies made that northern island a hunting ground for so many groups. Wild animals, vengeful killers, poltical assassins, and the Slavers Kingdom, a pan-eddan black market trafficking group. It all was stacking on top of each other and becoming too much to handle. So, the greatest minds of Mogila came together to find a solution.   Trains were not a new idea at the time, the minds of Agartha and Atalanta had already come up with the idea, and it was a strategy that Magnum Opus wished to impliment for their island neighbors, but found the terrains too dangerous to trek. Thus, a new type of engine, a new type of design, and a new type of track network were on the docket. To do this, the greatest artificers of the nation were brought together and given a blank check, a controversial decision to be certain.   Luckily, it would pay off in the end, as after ten years of designs and tests, the prototype was completed, and found to be nigh-perfect on all accounts. The next phase, rail construction, would take another five years, but that was mainly due to production requirements, planning, the sheer amount of mileage to cover, and ensuring that it wouldn't trample over any important pockets of nature, magical or otherwise.   When it debuted, people had plenty of doubts, but within a year ridership had gotten to a point that 1/10th of the construction costs had been recovered, and the social benefits were even richer. People could go between the various cities of Mogila Island in a matter of hours, messages could be delivered by and through train messengers at a much higher speed, and the presence of the train, its guards, and increased personell lowered the frequency of kidnappings and missing people.   Even though the trains couldn't connect the island to the mainland, it still gets people closer than ever, just one easy ship ride away, increasing connection to the rest of the nation and a cultural re-exchange from what would otherwise be disprate people. Even when war racked the nation, these trains stayed running day and night to serve and protect its people and to be a lifeline for the nation.   To this day, the Magnian Railways are the most lucrative and developed railway in Edda, as improvements are constantly being made in every category. Who knows what other transportational challenges the nation will handle next?

Power Generation

The Magnian Railcars use an upscaled and refined Mana Engine, a reciprocating engine that uses the mild combustion of generated mana to power propulsion. While the Mana has to be monitred to make sure the combustion rate does not exceed the stores of energy, the generation and release of the energy is swift and simple.    As the train passes by its various locales, mana from the leylines throughout the earth is gathered through the rails, which then is gathered by the train to keep its stores steady during transit. Once expended, the inactive mana goes through a series of pipes and vents that disperses it into the atmosphere in order to return to the land become energized once more.


The Mana Engine keeps the wheels rotating at a steady pace, usually reaching an average of 30 mph, barring quicker trips or uphill terrain. This can be increased with 70 mph being the recorded safe maximum.

Weapons & Armament

The trains do not come with built-in weaponry, save for a handful of military made units with turret stations.   However most train routes will have at least one guard per train car, especially for passenger trains.

Armor and defense

Most train cars have steel reinforced walls up to 5 inches thick. Most passenger trains average between 2 and 4. These trains are also coated with a weather proofing solution for either extreme cold in the northern areas or rain resistance in the temperate climates.   Speaking of northern climates, train cars in northern Magnum Opus also come equipped with a sloping, snow-plow-esque front and sloping wings that go over the rails width to clear snow from the side as well.

Communication Tools & Systems

Each train comes with a closed-circuit communication Lacrima that can get in touch with other trains along the same tracks as well as either of the three master stations in Karamaz, Theogony, and Oliver.   With the advent of the CELL Stones and smaller versions of base communication Lacrima, staff on the train can keep in communication with each other too.


Aside from an array of internal diagnostic sensors and a set of powerful lights on the front and along the side of the train, Magnian Rail Trains also come equipped with weather sensors and a rudimentary sonar system, although only for a 50ft radius around the train.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Passenger trains come equipped and staffed with a full kitchen, bar, and coffee station for the guests, especially on luxury trains. They also have internal plumbing, temperature control, and soundproofing for the bedroom cars.
The Snowtracks
"Connect the World"/"Соедини мир"
Creation Date
4/28/936 EE
Owning Organization
Current location
Total Development: 106,000 Gold (roughly 10.6 mil USD) Fare: 1 Silver - 1 Gold depending on trip length.
Common in Magnum Opus
Related Technologies
20 feet
85 feet per car (roughly)
15 feet
70 tons
Up to 70 miles an hour
Complement / Crew
Minimum of two, a conductor and an engineer. Usually upwards of 6 depending on usage.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Varies based on design


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Jul 1, 2024 06:54 by Chase

How typical that the invention of trains was first divisive, but swiftly adopted as people realized they could not escape their efficiency and speed. I'm interested in your Mana Engines and Lacrima Etching. Sadly, the pages are "ACCESS DENIED!" at the moment. Will you be elaborating on / publicizing them in the future?

Jul 1, 2024 06:58 by Valentine Myers

Far too common for the first point XD As for the other pages, those are currently loose threads that were created in the process of filling out the main article, but I do in fact plan on elaborating on them! Not 100% sure when I'll actually do so, but it's on the list at the very least ^^

Jul 1, 2024 07:02 by Chase

Good to know. I await their availability.

Jul 1, 2024 11:08 by Keon Croucher

I enjoy the opening quote, that is a well written little piece and a great introduction to the article, that was well done :) I second Wulvenfire, definitely catch the intrigue of the reader with Manna Engines and Lacrima Etching so when those eventually have fleshed out articles, I shall await with eagerness to partake of them and learn further of the technological progression and story of locomotion and its progression within Edda! All in all, a well written article, definitely caught my eye and was a great read

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization