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The Wild Wall

This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
Edda has a long spanning history, dating back at least 5000 years from the present day, if not further. For most of it's history, Edda was a simple, pastoric land, with only specific locations of high rank and luck earning the march of progress in those ancient days. The fact that the land now known as Edda was isolated from the other continents of Arcanoterra only heightened that disparity since no sharing or observation could be done in the outside world.   That changed around -800 EE, when rare groups of messengers were able to bypass the tumultuous waters around the region and engage in rudimentary social exchange. It didn't change the common Eddan's life too much, but much knowledge was granted about the outside world, and many areas near these new neighbors realized they had cultural and linguistic simularities, ones that could forge an international relationship.   However, even among the 400 years that followed, these exchanges were few and far between due to the distance and conditions seperating Edda from the rest of the world. Then, The Wild Wall formed, and what was once mundane wild seas turned into a cacophonous storm of Wild Magic, rendering the water inhabilitable, the weather unpredictable, and the mana within your own body malleable and hostile. This stymied whatever sparse communication existed, and leaves many Eddans wondering to this day if the outside world even remembers them.


The space the Wild Wall appeared over was mostly open water, with a few uninhabited islands, save for wildlife, in its width. Before it occured, those waters were filled with oceanic creatures of all stripes, including some terrifying deep-sea monsters for less-than lucky voyages. Stark valleys and underwater volcanos dotted the waters to the west, ice floes made it rough terrain in the north, tales of Dragons were told before, making eastward travel difficult, but to the south most of the sparse writing was devoted to the lush reefs and colorful fish that sailors would find.   Of course, all of this is doubtful to still exist past the Wild Wall. What little has been visible has painted a picture of destruction and desolation through the entire ten-mile thick wall of dense fog and erratic magic, especially under the water.


The Wild Wall does not have an observable ecosystem. Quite the opposite, the erratic magic seems to have eradicated all standard biological life in the area, with to underwater fauna or flora to be accounted for. This is not accounting for the Dread Monsters, terrifying giants of destruction and hunger, but given that they are only seen outside of the Wild Wall, it is unknown and unlikely if any proper ecosystem exists, for that would require a give-and-take, a food chain, some habitable environment for utter nightmares. Gods help us all if it does.

Localized Phenomena

The Wild Wall in and of itself is a strange phenomena. Those brave few who have piloted vessels within it, and survived, have told of a thick fog and fierce wind that can turn even the most pristine day into a maelstrom, as well as all methods of navigation being rendered chaotic and unreliable.   This is before even considering the magical anomalies, which are constantly changing throughout the length of the Wall. These phenomena alter the behavior of mana in every way, from spells to magical items to even the mana within living things, ranging from Dead Magic Zones to bodily mutations.   These chaotic effects also make the waters nearest to the wall extremely choppy and prone to erratic changes. One second you'll be dealing with massive waves and torrential winds, and then the next find yourself in the middle of dead waters without a breeze to puff against your sails.


The temperature of the region is another one of the Wild Walls wild magic fluctuations, with some areas fluctuating between sub-zero to boiling hot. Weather is unpredictable to the nth degree, just like every other quality to test. It does not obey yearly changes, environmental consistency, or even the supposed climates on the other side of the wall. It plays by its own tortuous rules only.


Throughout most of Edda's history, or rather Arcanoterra's history as a planet, the space that is now the Wild Wall was a stretch of mostly uninhabited but beautiful ocean, with the spare island or two. Even then it was a tumultuous and powerful bit of water, making it difficult for early naval pursuits to cross it, but it was still mundanely chaotic. With enough skill, luck, and preperation, vessels from all over the world could attempt to sail into the waters of what is now Edda, especially the early Dalsup {달숲} People who were the closest.   No one knows why it all changed, but in the first week of Heating Summer, -415 EE, also written as 185 Artifice Era, insane tides and fluctuations were being recorded all around Edda. Then, the disaster struck. In nearly the blink of an eye a ravenous storm current blew, decimating and tossing ships asunder to either side of what is now the Wild Wall, and filling the space between with a thick fog, which only echoed the wailing sounds from within.   Atalantan shipwrights had recently finished developing the Exupéry series of ships, large and sturdy enough to carry large amounts of people past the boundaries of Edda, and so a brave few found their way to the edge of this newly arisen wall, and found the results to be terrifying.   No ship could possibly make it through the wall, and any magic that could possibly aid it would be rendered null and void. Worse still, the effects of the wall could even mutate living things, which they discovered to their horror when a longship from their former northern neighbors of Iskutter came through the wall seemingly unharmed, until it was found that the flesh of all its former crew had melted and congealed together in a monstrous jellyfish-esque creature.   A canvasing of all Edda's borders was done, and flying expiditionists such as members of the Vohme were used to map it, and they found that Edda was now officially sealed in and away from the outside world. Panic began to set in, especially among people from afar who were now trapped in Edda, although their number was only in the dozens, mostly the aforementioned Dalsup people.   Worse still, as time went in, it showed no signs of fading away, yet more and more debris and monsters began to show up from the edge of the wall. After almost 15 years, the time for a new Era to be consecrated came, and amidst terror and uncertainty, the Eddan Council declared the next era to be known as The Isolated Era (-400 to -201 EE)   Unfortunatley, even nearly 1400 years after the fact, the Wild Wall remains in place, with much of the pre-isolation history being lost, as if it was another world entirely. The comman Eddan won't even know there is a wider world they cannot reach, beliving Edda to be the extent of the world. While ships are being made sturdier and sturdier each day, none have been able to penetrate the force of the wall entirely. Some have made it through the middle, but that's it.   It was an unfortunate churn of fate, as only 400 years prior did outside nations make contact with Edda. While that's an insanely long time for anything to happen, for a land that has some form of written history dating back 5000 years total, their connection with their neighbors of Arcanoterra lasted not even a tenth of that, and who knows if it'll ever be reignited again.
Alternative Name(s)
The Final Mystery, Judgement, Quarantine


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