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Vohme (Vaw-me)

"We are blessed, as Vohme. Not only do we have the wings to fly to heavens greater than we could ever imagine, but we have the mind to imagine it, and so much more beyond it."
The Vohme are a species of Beastkin that resemble bipedal birds, with the sharp talons, soft feathers, and mighty wings of the deadliest birds-of-prey. While historically they were often oppressed and looked down on like many other Beastkin, in the modern day the Vohme are front and center at one of the newest nations of Edda, the nation of Laputa, where they are at the forefront of modern engineering and technological advancements. For them, there's literally nowhere to go but up.

Basic Information


Vohmes are bidepal creatures, with long oft-bent legs with large talons beginning right below the knees for feet. The hands of a Vohme are taloned as well, but are typically more articulate than Avian talons are, and those talons begin halfway down the forearm. The rest of their body is covered in feathers in hues that could be considered their hair color, and their heads take on an avian raptor-esque apperance, with a sharp beak with eyes facing forward. On their back they have a pair of large wings, assissted by powerful back muscles and a sturdy spine. However, other bones and muscles on the body are relatively light and occasionally hollow, leading to many struggles in acts of strength before the advent of modern technology.

Biological Traits

Traits between the Lewa'Ohana and the Vohme aren't too dissimilar, but there are some key differences. The primary one comes down to plumage, as Lewa'Ohana have thin layers of feathers, if they have more than two, while the Vohme of Laputa have on average four to six layers of thick fluffy feathers to beat the chill of the snowy region. Lewa'Ohana also produce a natural sort of wax on their outermost feathers, which serves to protect them from being weighed down by the waters of the ocean and the seabreeze that carries it.   The Lewa'Ohana also tend to have brighter and lighter colored feathers, ranging from pure white to various colorful pigments, while Laputan Vohme tend to have darker and less saturated feathers, such as grey, brown, black, and some deep blues.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vohmes lack much sexual dimorphism, being by and large genetic hemaphrodites, however there is one minute difference that sets apart those considered Male and Female, and that is if they are born with a Brood Pouch. When a "female" (ova-producing) member of the species produces an embryo, they are not laid and hatched like literal birds. Instead the embryo is encased in a soft shell, tougher than an amniotic sac but not hard like a proper egg shell.   The embryo and this sac, after growing heavier and larger as well as gaining nutrients via an umbilical cord, is then moved from the womb into one of two internal pockets connected to the womb, which keeps the embryo incubated for the remainder of its gestation period, in which case it will be released back into the womb and be ready for delivery. This entire process takes roughly a year, with six months spent in the womb and the other six within the brood pouch.   In older times, all of these processes would be done by the mother, their partner, and/or trusted practitioners of their area, but in the modern day most mothers have learned to either handle it on their own or are capable of getting assistance from a professional doctor. None of it is typically painful, as all organs and orifices involved are very malleable and tough, but it can be complicated if done haphazardly.   The average sized ova-producing Vohme is capable of storing four eggs within their brood pouches, two on either side, however unless the eggs were fertilized around the same time it is generally considered unwise to keep more than two at a time, as the difference in birth dates could potentially damage the other embryonic sacs in the process. Ova-producing Vohme can also give birth to children from different partners in short succession if enough time is allowed between fertalizations, although culturally most Vohme are monogamous.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Vohme infant is capable of walking and moderate motor skills shortly after birth, being able to apply various kinds of force to their grasps and sligthly flap their wings on command. Over the course of the next three years, the infant will develop speech, socalization, and fine motor skills. On average, Vohmes go through their first moult at around five years of age, going from extremely fluffy basic plumage to their standard feathers, typically inhereted from one of their parents. From this point on, they will moult yearly as well as growing taller, gaining stronger back muscles, and developing stronger bones.   Around 13 years of age, a young Vohme can begin to safely learn how to fly and manage their own body weight. However, the intricacies of flight, even hovering, take quite some time to learn and master. Most Vohmes have a solid grasp of it by the time they reach 20. This is also around the age, give or take a year, where they've moulted to their fully saturated feathers, tend to stop bodily growth, and Vohmes can safely carry children. Thus, this is the age that most Vohmes are considered to be adults.   Unlike other mortal species, Vohmes bodies do not break down to as dramatic a degree as other elders, butthe minute ways in which they do take effect in the most drastic areas first, usually reducing the health of vital organs such as the brain and heart first. Therefore, most Vohmes pass of these complications between 65-75, although the lucky, wealthy, and particularly hardy can live up to their mid 80's. Until then, they remain spry and agile, not having to deal with the deterioration of their bones, muscles, or other internal systems.

Ecology and Habitats

While there is a lot of variation between Vohme bloodlines in terms of plumage color and beak shape, genetically there's only two real distinct groupings of Vohme: Warm-Climate Vohme and Cold-Climate Vohme.   Warm-Climate Vohme are most commonly found in the 'Oki Islands, where they are often referred to as Skykin or Lewa'Ohana, while Cold-Climate Vohme are found primarily in Laputa and what was once their bordering nation of Magnum Opus, and are the culture that coined the name of Vohme. While the advent of the modern day means these cousin species could survive fine in each others neck of the woods, their biological advantages mean that the Lewa'Ohana would find Laputa utterly frigid, while the Laputan Vohme would find themselves overheating in their thick layers of feathers and marred by the ocean waters carried on the breeze.   Either variation can live in other climates just fine, but depending on the specific area it may not be optimal. For example, despite Magnum Opus being a relatively temprate nation, a Lewa'Ohana would often steer clear of the cooler parts of Central Magnum Opus, while the Vohme would keep away from the sunnier coastal regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vohmes can eat all manner of foods, as inside of their beaks there are two more jagged layers toward the tip that allow them to break apart meat, vegetables, and fruits with ease. However, these do not extend further than four inches within the often 12-18 inch long beaks, and with the pointed shapes most Vohmes eat their meals in small pieces, or pack their meals into small servings they can swallow in one go. Either way, this pecking method of eating has led to Vohmes having quick meals and a slow digestion process so they stay fuller for longer.

Biological Cycle

While moulting happens on its own annually for Vohmes starting at 13 years of age, some select to seasonally preen feathers that have already began to loosen in order to have a full healthy coat based on the upcoming seasons. For example, a Lewa'Ohana might preen old feathers so a new, waxy outer-coat can help weather the increased percipitation of the 'Oki Islands stormy season, while in Laputa one might preen smaller fathers to allow larger, fluffier ones to grow for the chill of midwinter.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

In the modern age, one can find Vohme just about everywhere, especially densly populated cities. But their most concentrated centers of population are the 'Oki Islands, specifically the mountainous regions, and the nation of Laputa, where they are the highest demographic based on species.   Of notable scarcity is the nation of Agartha. While many can still be found, especially in and around the mountainous Agartha City that is the capital, many long-time citizens of the nation distrust the Vohme, as memories of the Border Wars and the Vohme Death Squads still persist to this day.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Vohmes possess a keen sense of vision, and while their sense of hearing is around average for other mortal species, the precision in which they can distinguish sounds is impeccable. Due to their feathered form and familiarity with the skies, they are also adept at sensing changes in wind and air pressure.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

While modern perspectives and cultural keystones make relationships rather varied, Vohme are largely monogamous creatures, finding a worthwhile partner and historically staying with just that one. Perhaps in the older days of survival it made for more trust, and creating their large families with a single partner made for less competition. But of course, there have been many examples, past and present, of the opposite as well, making a polyamarous family unit for veritable pack survival. It takes a village, after all.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Genetically, Vohmes can only reproduce with other Vohmes. Some in the burgeoning field of genetics wager there might be a unique aspect to their hermaphroditic nature that doesn't allow other species to fertilize them in the same way. Nonetheless, they have no problem reproducing with any other Vohme, no matter the parents own specific traits.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Bestia Forma Avis
65 years
Average Height
Anywhere from 4' 8" to 6' 7"
Average Weight
Average Physique
Most Vohme have bodies that can be described as cylindrical, accentuated by their plumage and how their feathers might be cramped by their clothing.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most Vohme underneath their plumage tend to be either a light pink color, chalk white, or a dark grey color. Their plumage of various colors and patterns will largely be affected by that of their parents, with one parents usually beating out the other.
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Jun 28, 2024 16:30

Wooo, bird people! :D