Eddur Zinnerian Timeline Timeline
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Zinnerian Timeline


In the time before record, things still occurred, the world was still wild and fires still burned. These days are unknown to our modern reckoning, but they were not without happening.

  • 45000 ph

    Second Prehistory test

The Age of Development

A time in which many civilizations were still developing, tools, agriculture, society, all of these were still in progress.

The Age of Creation

A time in which magical power and resourcefulness of all kinds is at its highest. Many great wonders, artifacts and enchantments were crafted during this time. Much of it has been lost in the intervening years.

  • 27 AC

    The Grand Delta begins to Form

    Long ago the Delta was not there, after some event which is unrecorded, we have reports of the first tributaries being formed in the Delta.

  • 150 AC

    The Origin of Specific Boughs
    Cultural event

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    Boughweaving Festival
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The Age of Complacency

After the fall of many large and creative empires, the people of this world decided to turn their attention inward, and no longer reach for anything greater. There were still legends and evils made during this time, but so significantly reduced in frequency, it might not even be worth mentioning.

The Great Recovery

This era is a time of finding, a time for looking and mining. Many things have been lost to history, and this is the moment in which they will be found.

  • 58 GR

    28 Sunpeak
    58 GR

    30 Sunpeak

    Oberon - The Giant Contract

    Oberon finds himself in Morwilde, looking to fulfill his contract, and make headway against the giant menace.

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  • 58 GR

    31 Sunpeak
    58 GR

    1 Amberis

    Oberon - Journey to Embury - Part I
    Population Migration / Travel

    Oberon makes his way back to Embury, but is waylaid...

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  • 58 GR

    1 Amberis
    58 GR

    3 Amberis

    Trapped in the Widow's Web
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Oberon wakes to find himself in pieces and trapped in a closet...

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  • 58 GR

    3 Amberis
    58 GR

    4 Amberis

    Oberon - Travel to Embury - Part II
    Population Migration / Travel

    Oberon, having freed himself and Ky from the depths of the evil widow, set themselves on the path to Embury. Ky claims he just wants to be along for the ride, but he's clearly hiding something.

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  • 58 GR

    15 Amberis

    L'morte de Oberon
    Life, Death

    Oberon makes a sacrifice for his friend, and it costs him everything.

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  • 58 GR

    26 Vodion
    58 GR

    26 Vodion

    Goz - The Puzzling of Ankhet's Temple

    Goz finds a ruin he's been search for forever, and gets to the bottom of it's mysteries, literally.

  • 58 GR

    27 Vodion
    58 GR

    28 Vodion

    Goz - New Faces in Minton

    Goz meets Taldirien and the two find something to do together.

  • 58 GR

    1 Leafwash
    58 GR

    2 Leafwash

    Goz - Mourning in Minton

    After having lost his friend, and gaining a tentative ally, Goz returns to Lady Caecyl.

  • 58 GR

    1 Leafwash
    58 GR

    3 Leafwash

    Lethe - Adventures in Imborough

    Lethe meets with her clan's chapter and commander and also rescues Osym, the rogue and Och, the monk from Imborough Keep. She also has a strange encounter with a strange being... Alunial.

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  • 58 GR

    2 Leafwash
    58 GR

    5 Leafwash

    Goz - Sprint toward the Dwarves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Goz begins his mission to find the silver bowl and compass, his goal, Yui'tian.

  • 58 GR

    5 Leafwash
    58 GR

    5 Leafwash

    Lethe - Ambushed by Lord Eldert's Men

    Lethe wakes up to find herself and Och at Spear point.

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  • 58 GR

    7 Leafwash 9:00
    58 GR

    8 Leafwash 03:00

    Lethe - Bandit Camp Infiltration

    Lethe finds her way to the bandits' camp and infiltrates their mine.

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  • 58 GR

    9 Leafwash
    58 GR

    9 Leafwash

    Lethe - Arrival in the Southern Ruins
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Lethe arrives in Zawilu, a long ruined city with a mysterious past.

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  • 58 GR

    11 Leafwash 12:00
    58 GR

    12 Leafwash 10:00

    Adventures in Faversham

    Our heroes find their way into a plot by an ancient dragon, imprisoned by a glorified hunters guild.

  • 58 GR

    12 Leafwash 12:00
    58 GR

    18 Leafwash

    Lethe - Escorting Bolet
    Population Migration / Travel

    Hired by her new friend, Lethe escorts her and her merchandise up the land of the delta, avoiding all manner of dangers.

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  • 58 GR

    13 Leafwash
    58 GR

    16 Leafwash

    The Seaweed Mystery
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The gang heads to Walthicke, a port town outside of Yui'tian and discovers some mysterious seaweed that's attacking everyone.

  • 58 GR

    17 Leafwash
    58 GR

    27 Leafwash

    A Contract Taken Is a Pirate Scorned
    Population Migration / Travel

    The gang takes up a job with Lord Thewynn and agrees to guard him and his family on the way to a new settlement on the eastern side of the island. After a week exploring the city, they move on. What they find there is a bit more than they were told...

  • 58 GR

    19 Leafwash
    58 GR

    25 Leafwash

    Lethe - New Life Direction
    Life, Identity

    Lethe meets a couple new people and goes to a couple new places and makes a significant life decision.

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  • 58 GR

    25 Leafwash

    Lethe - Married!

    Lethe and Bolet get married under an arcane starshower in the Garden of Contemplation in the University of Archanology.

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  • 58 GR

    27 Leafwash
    58 GR

    29 Leafwash

    Enter Rose
    Life, Organisation Association

    Despite helping Lord Thewynn escape, the gang meets Rose Faendraerl again and decide she's a pretty swell gal!

  • 58 GR

    27 Leafwash
    58 GR

    28 Leafwash

    Lethe - Missteps in Summersteppe
    Civil action

    Lethe leaves behind her love and embarks on a journey to the Canopic Verd, a jungle apparently so teeming with danger it has hidden an entire hunting party for 3 months. Now she ventures to find them, but she has some business in Summersteppe first.

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  • 58 GR

    29 Leafwash
    58 GR

    1 Holiwend

    Lethe Travels to Tig

    Lethe journeys toward Tig, braving the dangers of the jungle. Prompted to search for a local oracle, she discovers a piece of her lost past, and more questions out of the bargain.

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  • 58 GR

    30 Leafwash
    58 GR

    2 Holiwend

    Travels toward the Tentacle
    Population Migration / Travel

    Our group, now freshly joined by Rose Faendraerl, make their way down south, hoping to follow the river west.

  • 58 GR

    2 Holiwend
    58 GR

    4 Holiwend

    Getting to the Root of the Problem

    Having met with the The Root (Tig), Lethe now journeys toward Sylvone, armed with a new druid companion, Leawin, and some knowledge of the Root system. The road is long and dark, and there are more than just gnomes waiting on the other end.

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  • 58 GR

    3 Holiwend
    58 GR

    4 Holiwend

    The Gold-re-claimers
    Civil action

    The group heads toward the Tentacle, braving the harsh desert in pursuit of revenge and the safety of innocents. They find only death, conflict and something beyond even their strange experiences...

    More reading
    The Oozies
  • 58 GR

    4 Holiwend
    58 GR

    8 Holiwend

    Into the Dark with Suze
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party ventures down into the depths of the cave, led by Suze, their new companion and guide. He claims to need their help but suspicions abound.

    More reading
    The Oozies
  • 58 GR

    5 Holiwend
    58 GR

    7 Holiwend

    Revelry and Revelations

    Having returned triumphant from her battle with Lolth 's forces, Lethe celebrates briefly before rushing back home, eager to keep her promise to the young lord and hopefully, Bolet Ghaterkus.

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  • 58 GR

    8 Holiwend
    -93042 GR

    9 Holiwend

    Return to Summersteppe

    Lethe returns to Summersteppe to parlay with the young Lord . As part of the process they discover that Treina Ghaterkus has gathered a gaggle of town hens and led them in a crusade against Lethe, claiming that she was stealing and spreading ill-will. Lethe acquiesced to imprisonment and awaited trial.

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  • 58 GR

    8 Holiwend

    Standing Still
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Oozies now find themselves confronted with a small city of dwarves, frozen in time. Everything, save a few particular machinations, appears to be stuck in place.

    More reading
    The Oozies
  • 58 GR

    9 Holiwend

    The Death of Bolet

    Lethe receives a message from Bolet, calling for help, and rushes back to Teontia to help her. The journey takes several hours and she arrives much too late. After an attempt at resurrection and an elvish funeral, Lethe sets about the task of finding out how... and why.

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  • 58 GR

    10 Holiwend
    58 GR

    11 Holiwend

    Inquisitions and Investigations

    Description:Lethe learns the identity of her enemy, as well as discovers some disturbing letters. Preparations are made for a journey to Vin. They meet with Iyveny to send some messages and gain her as a follower. As they're about to leave, a final meeting with Treth results in an offer for teleportation.

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  • 58 GR

    12 Holiwend

    An Unexpected Reunion

    Lethe and co. are transported to Vin, in the home of Filiberto Arcini. He and Treth give them a foundation in Vinish history and politicks, and send them on their way to attempt to blend in. Lethe gets lost at first, but eventually finds her way to the Turnip. Greeted with tears and tales, she meets with her long-lost mentor and discovers that she has become Keavy's daughter in the bargain! Her mother arrives soon after and fraught, tearful words are shared before the family is made whole again. Lethe learns the truth about her mother's disappearance, her father's supposed fate, and her parents relationship with the elusive MT. Drinks and stories were shared until bed, when Lethe, convinced by her parents, decides to confess her affection for Franca.

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