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Jane Longina

Physical Description

Body Features

She has her Eden-Mark on her stomach.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Before Eden

Born into a noble family, she was sent of at a young age, to a monastary dedicated to Ajundin until she became of age to wed. Her cloistered upbringing made her social awkward and very unsure of herself and her own abilities. When she became a woman at the age of fourteen and was returned to her family. She was married shortly after her fifteenth birthday and had her firstborn son at the age of sixteen. Her much older husband, who was very charming and caring at first, turned into a violent monster whenever nobody was arround. She was beaten and raped on an almost daily basis, birthing more children. Days before her twenty first birthday, she was beaten to death, while protecting her youngest and only daughter from one of his violent outbursts.  

In Eden

As part of the Covenant, she spend her life caring and healing others, thanking the Five for every day. On one of her odd missions with the Archivists and Sword & Shield she met a scholar named Jake. Even though their views of the Five and Eden were very different, they connected and started meeting outside of their regular duties. Soon after, they stepped through the Gate together...  


With the memories of her past returned, she made a silent vow to get her children back. It's with this reason she accepted to join the party with Savven, Reginald and George. The time spend in Bastion, she shared it with Jake. When he was killed, she's struck with grief, but with a stronger conviction towards her goal.

Mental Trauma

She is very wary and distrusting of men.


Social Aptitude

Shy and distrustful of new people.


Soft and hesitant
Known Languages


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