BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 5 - At last a city, wait what, we can't use magic...

General Summary

Day 12

After leaving the village behind, the party decides to head West along the road, which should lead to a rather large village.

Day 14

After spending two days on the road, the party comes across a merchant caravan, while setting up camp for the night, Savven hails one of the guards accompanying the caravan and they chat for a bit. They learn of the city further to the West called Kasport and the fish and other goods from overseas they take along to Kaz-Drog, a dwarven citadel on the Northren mountainside, trading for ores and taking them back, making the same trip all the way back to High Haven every time. They say their goodbyes and go for another uneventful sleep.

Day 16

The next day, the party enters the farming fields surrounding Kasport and the many homesteads that dot the landscape. Travelling between the fields, a young half-elven woman comes running towards them, pleading for their help. The party obliges and quickly follows after the young women. They come across a cart with a broken wheel, a human trying to move the cart and a man seemingly trapped underneath. The party firsts tries to help with their combined might, but to no avail, then Savven tells everyone to stand aside as he aims his thunderclap at the cart, sending it flying away. Before they can realize what's happening, the human and half-elf bolt away from the scene and they realize the man underneath the cart is already dead from a stab-wound. Savven casts Magic Missile, aiming at the kneecaps. The women falls over and starts crawling as fast as she can (it's not working) and the human male limping further away. They walk up to the women who's saying it was all an accident and that they thought they could rob you instead. She points at the limping male and says it was all his idea. As Jane heals her up, Savven binds her hands behind her and walks over to the human male who is still slowly limping away. Catching up to him and tapping him on the shoulder, spooks the guy, he falls, hurts his leg even more and starts shouting not to kill him, that it was all an accident and that it was all her idea. Savven is having nothing of it and ties up the guy in the same manner he did the girl. When the rest of the party rejoins with their other prisoner, they go and investigate the house. Inside they find a mother and child, both dead, their deaths don't see overly violent, so they decide to bring the two with them to the city.   When it's getting dark, Savven walks up to a house and knocks to ask for shelter. An old man opens up, who informs them that he has no room, but they're welcome to sleep in the barn, there's plenty of room and Bessy is a nice gal. The party agrees, the old man closes the door and comes back out a moment later with a lantern and some warmer clothing. He opens the barn and inside is the largest horse they've ever seen, at least twice the size of a normal one, lying there, looking at the party. The prisoners don't like this, Savven doesn't like this either, but the party nonetheless accepts and huddles down in a corner.  

Day 17

The party wakes up to the sound of a squeel as the half-elf woman realizes she's sleeping in a barn, with an intimidating large horse. The party grabs their stuff and prisoners and quietly leaves. They continue their way to the city. In the late afternoon they finally arrive at Kasport, a walled city-state, under the rule of a king. They're halted at the gate as their prisoners beg them to be taken back in. The guard asks them to state their business. Savven explains the scene he found and the he and the party are part of a larger group. The guard goes inside and out comes a rather large human male. He sees the prisoners and isn't suprised to see them, he even knows their names, Elisabeth and Dave, half-siblings, looking at the party as he sees the utter fear in their eyes, he asks who amongst the party is a caster. They all raise their hands. He tells them to hold on while he retrieves something. A couple minutes later he comes back with a box and states: "Put these on, I will tell you want they do, but you need to put them on.", the party starts asking questions, which are not being answered, until Reginald figures out what they are and says: "Wait, wha... are those...? Ah fucks this, come on guys just put them on, any and all magic is probably banned within the city limits. Am I right?", the captain nods. After some protest, but really looking to get their feet inside the city, they put it on and enter the city.   They enter the city and see the intriging infrastructure around them. All buildings are built vertically, like masts, with stairs and bridges connecting the multiple levels and towering buildings. Awe-struck by this, the party explores a bit, before they realize it's getting dark.  
  • Get in touch with guard for inn at the castle-tower.
  • Rent a room for 2 days and order meals
  • Savven asks for a mice problem, gets a rat problem
  • While hunting for rats he hears a voice: "I can't let you find me", he believes it's the rat king.

Day 18

  • Wakes up in the morning, Jane is already out, Reginald and Rhoxl are still sleeping.
  • Savven heads out for some peace and quiet, making his way to the tallest building, that isn't the castle.
  • His peace of mind is interrupted by a humanoid catching his eye
  • Savven gets blasted (barely) by a Fireball and send to the ground
  • Savven gets arrested
  • Meets the captain of the guard, female Elf named Evylis Stargazer
  • And the most friendly prison guard, a Human named Kevin
  • He is eventually released
  • Finds the hideout of the mage that has been causing trouble, Archibald the Great
  • Goes back to the Inn
  • It's busy and can't get Ginny's attention, helps out with evening service and gets free meals and drinks for life
  • Talks to Ginny and learns that the mage arrived her a couple months ago, helping the city. Apparently the king was impressed and commanded him to work for him. This didn't sit well with Archibald and he put a curse on the king, transforming him into the size of a toddler. A fitting image for his tantrums. The king ordered him dead, the guard thought they killed him and when it wasn't the case, they put the magic ban in place in the hopes of finding him.
  • In the meanwhile Jane had arrived from her personal arrant and apologized for her absence and behaviour.
  • Party goes back to sleep

Rewards Granted

  • Free meals and drinks for life at the Three Masts Inn in Kasport


The Ten Drops Inn: Helines Ironsong
Report Date
05 Jan 2023
Primary Location


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