BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 2 - Death is here...

General Summary

Day 5

George and Savven, hurry back to Tel'Durel, they quickly realize that they're not getting tired and they can keep on running at full speed towards their destination. Early in the evening they arrive and see the city in shambles, buildings have collapsed and people are in need of help. As George goes and helps people, Savven heads to Elthis Rainsinger, as he starts explaining to her what happened, she interrupts him and explains that a lot of people have had the exact same thing happen to them. As this is happening Reginald Crow is among the people that are arriving in Tel'Durel. Savven and Elthis's conversation is cut short as the Captain shouts out: "SWORD & SHIELD, the gate's been breached, every able body, come with me!" followed shortly by Thyron Arduin, the leader of the Covenant, shouting out: "Covenant, we're going as well, those that wish to remain here to help the wounded, stay, everyone else come with me.".   The journey towards The Greens, the forest between Tel'Durel and the Gate, is normally a half a day walk. Now within 30 minutes you've reached the outskirts. As you, and several hundred others, arrive there, the sky starts turning a sickly red color, and as you can hear crackling energy in the air, there's a sudden crack as the sky breaks open revealing a black void and a sudden updraft of air. The updraft isn't powerful enough to lift you in the air and as you look at the gaping hole in the air you can see blobs of slime falling out of the sky and hitting the ground near you. Seconds later with horrid noises the blobs have formed themselves into blackened zombie-like creatures, covered in flame-like black shadow, their heads turn towards the party gathered and attack.   After a short battle, the creatures have met their end and the party pushes onward. Savven has taken a hit and he feels a little less strong, not much, but enough that he warns others to be mindful of future encounters. The group pushes onward towards the gate. Once at the gate, they see that a soft yellow light is shining through the enormous gate and that it several cracks. Savven and Reginald are both wary of this, as is the rest of the group. Trying to figure out was is going on, multiple discussions sprout out from the people gathered there. That is until a dwarf says: "fuck it" and leaps at the gate, disappearing from sight. Shortly after Savven does the same as do many others. Those that jump through the gate, first see a warm bright light that blinds their entire vision. As their vision clears up they see themselves standing in a forest with the others spawning out of thin air around them, taking their first real breath, since they can remember. Then the memories start flooding in, of a time before Eden, when they were actually alive and how they died and made a pact with Zuchai, Goddess of Life & Death, to become her champions when the time would need them. Before they can fully understand what is happening a humanoid figure appears in the sky. "Are these your champions, pitifull." the unknown one speaks. Coming from amongst crowd a female voice responds: "I should have killed you when I had the chance" an elven form with radiant white hair answers in return. Within an instant, everyone recognizes her, Zuccai, the very living god with whom they made a pact. "But instead you imprisoned me and took what is mine... I'm here to take that back" the humanoid says as he charges at Zuccia with lightning speed, crashing into her and creating a shockwave that blasts through the crowd, sending several flying. Then they hear the noise again, the same gurgling noise the zombies made they fought in Eden. The group charges into them, glowing with the same radiant glow as Zuccai. The battle is fierce as the undead onslaught is relentless, easily outnumbered, the group doesn't give up until they hear a terribly cry coming from Zuccai, as they look at her, the unknown humanoid has his hand sticking inside Zuccai's abdomen and with a grin on his face, pulls out his hand, leaving a gaping wound behind. He turns towards the group and shouts as he levitates in the air: "With her fall, so will all of you... now, for the rest that imprisoned me..." and he vanishes from sight, taking his undead minions with him. The group gathers around a weakening Zuccai and as her life fades away she mutters barely audible: "" she takes a long deep breath: "so... shall... I" and her form slowly vanishes from sight.    The crowd becomes stunned at first, than bursts of outcry can be heard: "We need to fight THAT!?" is one of the cries being heard as more are shouted throughout the group. The Council discusses something amongst themselves and the captain soon calls several scouts to him as Thyron and Elthis disperse, calming down several groups with reason and talks. Savven and Reginald, having been through some fights now together look a bit stumped as George comes their way and says: "Captain, wants us to scout south of here, see if we can find something. You said there's safety in numbers and I can no longer disagree with you there.". After some further talks, they bring Jane with them, now having memories of what happened in Eden and in the Mortal Realm. They slowly make their way south as they stumble upon some old castle ruins, overgrown and in complete shambles, but what remains can provide a large group with some protection while they rest...   End of Session 2
Report Date
23 Nov 2023


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