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Session 6 - Revelations

General Summary

Day 19

Savven wakes up and finds Jane, Reginald and Rhoxl waiting for him at the breakfast table in the Three Masts Inn, smiling. Slightly unnerved and curious at the same time he inquires what's going on. Jane found a library the day before and Reginald needs to find a book, so they urge Savven to finish his breakfast so they can get going.   When they leave the inn it's still really early and not a lot of people are up and about, as they make their way to the library. The party finds the library which is the only stone building they've seen so far, is a single story and it's currently closed. So the party decides to wait. About an hour of waiting and with more of them on the streets, Savven stands up and speaks to the first person he can grab, which is a Half-Orc laborer on the way to work. He's a bit surprised by the question and tells Savven he heard the clerk got sick, so the library is closed for now. Not liking that answer Savven walks up to some guards to find out what happened. The guards tell him that Jennifer Morrinton's gone missing due to a freak accident and that the library is closed off. Savven explains that he and the party need to get into the library to retrieve a single book, he even offers to pay the guards for their trouble. They both accept the 5 gold bribe and let them in, telling they got an hour and no funny business.   Inside the library they find the common area demolished by an explostion, blue embers softly glowing everywhere on the destroyed bookcases and books included. The party spreads out in search of the book Reginald mentioned "The Book of Ascension". About 10 minutes in the party hears Jane scream and then flung across the library, hitting her head hard and gets knocked unconscious, followed by a Shade with blue colored flames sprouting from everywhere it touches. A battle ensues that ends badly for the shade, as the party shoots the glass windows to let light inside. When the battle ends, Rhoxl lies unconscious on the floor, his heart, stopped. The war has taken it's second casualty. When Jane finally regains consciousness and hears about Rhoxl's untimely death, she storms off looking for the book. Savven and Reginald take Rhoxl's body in a carpet and take him outside. The guards wonder what happened, but as they see the dead lizardfolk, they don't press on and help Savven with his request to purchase a cart. Jane pops out an half an hour later and urges the party to leave Kasport.   Once outside, she reveals a copy of the Book of Ascension and hands it to Reginald, as he knows who to look for, and the party starts their travel back home.  

Day 23

As the party sets up camp for the evening, Reginald loses his temper and flings the book away, Savven calms him down, saying he's the only person with an inkling of knowledge who can find out who's behind all of this. Reginald walks over to the book and grabs is. "Jorrel Romeni" he whispers, he says the name a third time, grabbing the attention of the others, he then shouts his name a final and third time, adding that he found the bastard. "You called." a male voice responds, the party is stunned to see the man/god, who killed their patron, standing in their midst. A not so friendly conversation begins after he turns the Book of Ascension to ashes, with but a flick of his fingers. Savven gets on his bad side and is strangled, until a white glow appears from around Savven's neck, burning Jorrel and making him curse "YOU!?" and he vanishes. Dumb-founded by the even more sudden disappearance of Jorell, they try summoning other gods by calling their name 3 times. It doesn't work. They go to bed and continue their journey to Bastion the following day.  

Day 25

As the party arrives in Bastion, people look around and and halt their work for a second once they realize another has fallen. Savven, Jane and Reginald go to the edge of the forest around Bastion and bury Rhoxl. They each say a couple words and head to the council building in the center. They stumble across an argument between Captain, Thyron and Elthis. The argument is about a group of travellers that needed Bastion's aid and they stuck around. Elthis and Thyron are opposed to this, but the Captain isn't on-board, as we can't let distrust be who they are. When the party breaks the news, Elthis is shocked, she has hunted, fought and gave her life to destroy Jorell Romeni while he was still killable, he is a planner and a plotter, with contingencies within contingencies. She also explains what he was responsible during his mortal life and now that he's ascended to godhood, it'll only be worse and on a grander scale. Savven can only confirm this, but still believes, like the Captain, that fear shouldn't be a factor when making decisions. Elthis walks away, needing to clear her head and Thyron goes after her. The Captain makes a remark that it was so much easier in Eden... lore-dump > Elthis burial

Rewards Granted

  • Party is now level 3
  • Report Date
    08 Feb 2024
    Primary Location
    Related Characters


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