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Session 8 - Grim Tidings

General Summary

Day 58 After returning in Bastion the party is shocked to learn that Bastion was attacked from within. From the over 200 Eden-Marked that were there, roughly 75 remain. Thyron took a portion of able fighters with him to actively search for the Cult of the Eclipse and put an end to them. Elthis is currently in a coma and the Captain has lost a great deal of his optimism, even though he's glad that the party has survived and has managed to bring valuable trading goods with them. After some discussion, they decide to hole up for the winter for now and see that everyone remains safe and recovers.   Day 59 Party travels to Kasport to sell the Shroomwood.   Day 63 One of the horses dies because of the strain and not having enough food.   Day 64 Party arrive at Bessy's house (the large horse) and get some much needed feed for the horse and resting place for themselves.   Day 65 Party arrives at Kasport and after some bureaucracy, gain entry inside Kasport with their horse and goods. They also find out that the city is now in the hands of mages and that the king has been disposed. They head to the market and Reginald is apparently a born salesman, he manages to strike a deal with a halfling to sell Shroomwood at 1GP a piece.
Report Date
01 Mar 2024


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