The Adventures of Gundren Rockseeker and his Puzzling Vanishment. The group finds themselves caught up with both the Red Brands criminal organization and the Cragmaw Goblin Tribe as they search for the vanished Dwarf. As they edge closer to the enigma of the Black Spider and the secrets of WaveEcho Cave, the mystery deepens.
In the year 450 AC, a strange tear in time brings two timelines together as two groups of adventurers attempt to uncover a solution. Despite their differing goals, both parties must confront common dangers and every move they make causes further disruption in time. The team known as SuperMega has been assigned to retrieve Ignis's forgotten memories, while Team 10 is on a mission to locate the tear in time and restore both timelines. SuperMega: (Chloe) Ronan: Drow/Dhampir; Rouge- Lv 6 (Adrain) Richard: Minotaur; Bard- Lv 6 (Sierra R) Frozen Bird: Moon Elf; Sorcerer- Lv6 (Sierra L) Oliphae: Centaur; Ranger- Lv 6 (Hudson) Ignis Sundance Team 10: (James) Alex Bones: Minotaur; Barbarian- Lv 5 (Audrey) Emberglow: Fire Genasi; Cleric- Lv 5 (Tori) Toe: Moon Elf; Bard- Lv 5 (D'Artagnan) Colborn: Firbolg; Warlock- Lv 5 (Cody/Hudson) Jafar Fingers: Tiefling; Rouge- Lv 5 Campaign Status: Completed