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Session 11: A whole old world

Andrios, 13th of Anagrypnion

General Summary

After arriving quite early at the office of the Council of Commerce, Nir decided to start looking through the piles of reports on her desk. After Zinon arrived they discussed multiple possibilities on how to increase the budget. Spending the rest of the morning reading reports, Nir concluded that Andrios was projecting to be on budget but without any leeway for further investments.   Fyx waking up a bit later, makes his way to the Council of Culture. He ran into Astarte on his way out who informed that their father was out buying resin. At the council, Dykrin and Fyx discuss how to increase external confidence in Andrios. Fyx proposes that they send out letters inviting carnivals and troupes to Andrios. This would begin to spread that Andrios is a safe location and help the town's economy. They then spend most of the morning sending our letters and invites to their contacts.   Close to midday, after spending some time exploring the machine Tauin created, Fennan makes his way to the Council meeting. On his way, he passes the river market where he finds Tauin and shares the proposal of having her join the Council of Education. Elated by the news, Tauin excitedly accepted the offer and tells Fennan that she'll be at the Council of Education's office early morning the next day.   The council members met at the Hall of the Council, Fennan and Melanthos a bit delayed. They discussed the purple flower found on Dawn's corpse. Nir recalls that the Arcane Academy in Meletis had experiments where plants were infused with magic and that purple was often related to death. The council also discussed the status of the mysterious woman, discussing the possibility of taking her to Meletis. After some back and forth, the council decided to instead contact certain acquaintances in Meletis and invite them to the Theophiliam Mysteries festival in Andrios as a pretext to have them help with the ongoing mysteries.   During the council meeting, Melanthos raises the topic of the wolves. There's a back and forth about what to do with them. There was a quick consensus that ideally they'd join the Wardens, however, there was a lot of debate on how to ensure they were fed without causing food shortage for the people of Andrios. Not being able to reach a decision, Kaliaros volunteers to speak with the farmers to understand how could they increase food production. The decision was postponed until they had more data points.   The last item on the council meeting's agenda was Nir's desire to increase taxes in order to fund a port that would allow for trade along the river with Akros. Some council members questioned the need for a port, questioning if it would indeed be beneficial for Andrios. Nir explained that Akros would most likely be very interested in trading for food due to their lack of natural resources, their constant battles with the Phoberos minotaurs, and the raids from the Pheres band. There was a general feeling that increased taxes wouldn't be well received, so instead Nir decided to contact the Merchant's Guild in Akros to discuss a joint project. This would be dependent on Andrios being able to increase food production though.   Melanthos leaves early for another meeting. The remaining council discuss the mysterious statue and raven to the west where they encountered Dawn. Kadmos mentions that he very much wants to investigate it but would rather not go alone, if no one from the council wanted to join then he'd set up a mission with the Wardens. After some debate, the rest of the council decides to accompany Kadmos. The council decides to take off early on the following day, giving each member of the council time in the afternoon to deal with their own affairs.   During the afternoon:
  • Kadmos went to the Warden's Den and informed Torakas that Drarra Wildpride had decided to return to her people. Torakas mentions that Drarra Wildpride had left them a letter describing a vague threat that her people was facing that thanking the Wardens. Including also that she's always be an ally of Andrios. Afterwards, Kadmos spent the rest of the afternoon training with Landron.
  • Fennan spent his after in the Council of Education, giving out new tasks and helping with current ones. To Aretha Fennan asked her to explore literature around the purple flower and also to explore enchanting in general, specifically of metals. To Ekris, she was asked to analyse the fur sample Fennan gathered from Frost. Admentos was asked to keep an eye on Tauin, ensuring that her experiments remained ethical. Fennan then spent the rest of the afternoon helping Ekris with her tasks.
  • Fyx proposed to Fennan and Nir the creation of a music school. Both agreed to the proposal as long as Fyx took up the responsibility of teaching music. Nir also brought up the topic of budget. Fyx then spent the afternoon at The Huntress.
  • Kaliaros analysed the piece of flesh from Dawn. He noticed that it wasn't decaying as normal but instead. It seemed to just be missing life which was an odd concept. To test if it was corrupting land around it, Kaliaros placed the flesh in a jar of dirt. Kaliaros then spent the afternoon speaking with the multiple farmers in Andrios asking how could they increase production. The answers can be summarized into: more space, more people to work on more space, new techniques that require less space or fewer people, investing in fishing, and/or praying to Karametra, Goddess of Harvests.
In the evening, Fyx, Nir and Melanthos met at The Huntress for drinks. There, they discussed the craziness of recent happening and just relaxing a tiny bit. During their conversation, Nir asked Fyx about Kyrian, Fyx shared that he had left for Setessa in hopes of finding an entrance to Skola Vale but wasn't able to find anything. He then traveled to Meletis after hearing rumors of someone there who had traveled to Skola Vale. In Meletis he learned of an entrance in the Oreskos Savanah. Unfortunately, at Oreskos he wasn't able to reach the Vale due to the monsters on the path that was meant to lead to its entrance. Nir then mentioned they should try to a way into the Vale.  
In the morning, the council met in front of the House of Healing and departed towards the statue in the west. While making their way, Nir kept close attention to the river, taking note of areas that could be problematic for a boat to pass through. After a few hours, the group arrived at the tower. In the tower, standing in front of the statue were two figures: a woman dressed in white and a man dressed in strange black garments carrying a bouquet of flowers. The council also notices that there are no signs of their previous battle: no boat in the river or Dawn's corpse. Fennan and Kadmos sneak ahead to scout, the man and woman were talking with each other in a language non of them understood. After a short while, the man places the flowers at the base of the statue and vanishes. The woman sits leaning against the statue crying. Telepathically, Nir asks Fennan what's happening and they all decide to approach the woman.  
The woman regains her composure and introduces herself as Venat. She was very surprised when she saw Krinos and explained that he's from a race of creatures called Zheng from a continent called Kamigawa. She exclaims that the continent was destroyed long ago and is very confused about how Krinos can even exist.   When asked what she was doing at the statue, Venat shared that she was meant to meet someone here, a young girl covered in tattoos named Kira. However, she was quite worried about her safety given that she found the corpse of a corrupted beast. It was clear that the council didn't trust Venat, hiding the fact that Kadmos had found a mysterious woman fitting the given description.   In an attempt to build trust, Venat shares with the council why she's sad. She explains the man that vanished was Gaius and that the statue is of a hero named Echo who was a member of a group called the Archons. Venat was sad because history was lost to everyone, because no one remembered the Sundering or the sacrifice of the Archons, the loss of entire races like the Owlkin and the Loxodons. Because people didn't remember that Edinia was just a continent in a larger world called Etherys. And, most of all, because the sacrifice of all those people, including the Archons, was for nothing: the corruption they fought so hard to destroy was back, except this time there were no Archons to help fight back.   Seeing her genuine pain and sadness along with the assumption that Venat was a deity (although she denies it), the council decided to trust her. The council shared that they were hesitant to trust due to their encounter with Dawn and his transformation. They also shared that the young woman was in Andrios but suffering from a strange illness, causing discoloration of the skin which was also manifesting on certain council members. The council also shared that Nir was able to read the inscription on the statue and that they had run into two women named Dacia and Epistatis. All this information was a lot for Venat to take in at once. There was a change in her demeanor and one detail caught her focus: the mention of a discoloration. She expressed that it needed immediate healing but that in her current form, she could only perform the healing once and not by one by. And so, the council along with Venat began to make their way back to Andrios.
Report Date
12 Mar 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 9 (+1)
  • Nir: 9 (+2)
  • Fennan: 10 (+1)
  • Fyx: 9 (+2)
  • Kaliaros: 9 (+1)
  Completed Quests Ongoing Quests

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