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Session 14: A week of relative normalcy

Andrios, 13th of Anagrypnion

General Summary

As the council began to perform Kaliaros' foolproof running test, white tendrils (similar to the ones they saw during Venat's ritual) began to emerge from the ground. Suddenly, they shot at each of the members of the council and the black mark that each of them had now glowed a bright white. Now with the glow, they noticed that the mark was different in each of them:
  • Fyx had a mark on his calf of a mask, half of it sad and the other half happy
  • Kadmos, around his ankle, had a mark of a large tree with a bear standing in front of it
  • Nir had a mark of a meteor crashing into waves behind her neck
  • Kaliaros had on the back of his right had two snakes intertwined
  • Fennan already had a mark of a flame on the side of his neck, now it glowed like the other marks but also had runes around it
The council found the marks weird at first but quickly considered them new fashion elements and went on with their day. The council continued to help with the recovery of the city. Later that day, Melanthos made an announcement thanking the wolves for their help and introducing them formally to the people. There was some hesitance but the people the wolves saved from the attack strongly supported having the wolves help with the defence of Andrios. The council now just had to wait for Kira to wake up, this gave them a breather to catch up on their council duties and prepare for The Theorphiliam Mysteries festival.   Kadmos focused on training the wardens and ensuring the wilderness around Andrios was safe. While doing so, he also focused on helping Landron become a full-fledged Warden and also integrating the wolves into the Warden's daily lives. On one of his patrols, he investigated the ruins where the council encountered the owlbear but didn't find anything of note. On another day, he visited Echo's statue along with Krinos to speak with the raven. The raven, named Meteon, wasn't friendly at all. He make it clear that he had no interest in talking with anyone and just wanted to chill on the statue. When pressed why did the statue move when Nir named the word "Echo", he dodged the questioned by saying it was magic. Kadmos wasn't able to persuade Meteon to divulge any new information. At the end of each day, Kadmos visited the House of Healing to visit Kira. He just sat there a while, telling her about what had happened during the day.   Fennan had a lot of research and documentation to catch up on. The first thing he prioritized was working with Tauin on building an automaton. Together they built a frog using the Nyxsteel Tauin had refined but they were having some trouble bringing it to life, until suddenly Fennan's mark flared up and a tendril of light connected to the frog, bringing it to life. Tauin was very surprised and inquired about the light but Fennan dodged the question. Fennan then spent some time documenting conversation they had with Venat, about the Sundering, the Archons, aether, etc. He left out some details and names of people. The rest of the time, Fennan spent time helping his fellow councilmembers researching improvements for Andrios.   At the end of one of his days working work at the Council of Education, Fennan passes through the Huntress and asks Makar what's Gaur favourite drink is. Makar winges and says that Gaur likes really strong drinks and sells Fennan his strongest bottle but warns that even that might not be strong enough for Gaur.
Fennan makes his way to Gaur's workshop, here Gaur is preparing to end his workday. The two head to Gaur's house and have a conversation in the kitchen over some very strong drinks. Fennan inquires if Gaur was ok given what happened with the cultists. Gaur explains to Fennan that he would protect his family. He used to be a master crafter blacksmith in Skophos. He made the king's weapon and the weapon for the arena's champions. He showed Fennan the weapon he had stashed, it was a massive two-handed battleaxe with a tail going down the shaft, two horns at the end of the shaft and two details axes on top with red highlights. Gaur mentioned that this weapon was to be for the prince. Gaur also told the story of when he decided to leave, having enough of his weapons being used only to sow death and sorrow, Gaur and Dajar decided to leave and make their way to one of the grand cities. After a very dangerous trek across Phoberos, they finally reached Akros where they were treated like monsters. Gaur was separated from Dajar and placed in a tiny cage. If it weren't for a group of humans who were against the way the current rulers of Akros were treating the people, then he would probably still be rotting in the cell. After being smuggled out of Akros, he learned of Andrios, a small city where he could actually do good and help.
After speaking a bit more about Andrios and Gaur's skills. Fennan left, feeling a bit tipsy but being able to make his way home safely.   Fyx spent most of his time helping with the funerals for the people who died during the attack and preparing for the Theorphiliam Mysteries. In between his daily work, he inquired with Herodotos about the production of the new instrument. Development of the instrument "Violin" was progressing well but Herodotos still felt like there was room for improvement. Still, Fyx asked to take the new instrument so he could spend time training with it. Between his other tasks, Fyx spent his time trying to learn the new instrument. Fyx also convinced his sister, Laeira to help with the classes. She didn't agree at first but Fyx managed to get her to agree. 18 people joined the class and Laeira killed it at giving classes. Over the days, Fyx would join in to help when he had a chance.   Nir's focus was on increasing the Council of Commerce's capacity to handle the paperwork while also having time to kick off new initiatives that would invigorate the economy. She started by starting a recruitment process that Zinon followed up on. While Zinon took care of the interviews, Nir spent some time with Tross to come up with a plan for the trade route along the river. With Nir's notes of the potential problematic areas and his own surveys, Tross concluded that it could be done but would require some serious work to ensure boats could pass without negatively impacting the flow of water. In total, it would cost 1000 platinum just to allow boats to travel between Andrios and Akros. Nir spent some time with Fennan researching how to improve the Horn of Silent Alarm It took a couple of days, but together they managed to together a plan that would allow the Horn to send short messages and inform the receiver of the message their location. However, making the improvements would require a Nyx-infused Ruby to power it. Whenever Nir had some spare time, she would pass by the Council of Education to visit Fyx and Laeira during the music lessons.   Kaliaros' main focus was stocking up on herbs and potions for the House of Healing. However, he also spent some time with Fennan researching medical improvements. Through a stoke of creativity, they came up with the idea of creating a distillery that should make the process of creating potions easier. Though looking at the schematics, it doesn't seem like it would be portable.  
During one of the nights in the middle of the week, Kaliaros went to bed at the House of Healing after a long day of foraging. He goes to sleep and seems to wake up in a desert, standing atop a sand dune. The moon is blood-red and below him are a group of tents with people scrambling around a 20ft worm. Next to him, is a woman with a red shawl covering her face. The woman, without looking at Kaliaros, exclaims that it's been a while and that he somehow seems different but can't quite place what changed. Kaliaros asks what she's doing here and she asks if he knows what's happening in those tents. Paying more attention, Kaliaros notices that the people around the worm are extracting its poison, as they were doing so, the worm trashed and bit one of the humans in half. That's also when Kaliaros noticed that the humans working around the worm were slaves. The woman tells Kaliaros that this would have been his fate if she hadn't intervened. Kaliaros asks the woman why she brought him here. To which she replies that she'd imagine he wants justice and that she needs him to investigate the organization extracting the poison. The worms in question are Purple Worms and they're only found in the Ashlands. The worms are the main reason no one is able to cross the Ashlands, a single drop of the poison is able to kill the sturdiest of creatures. They're using slaves to extract the poison but afterwards, they're somehow hiding their movements from the woman. She wants to know why they're extracting so much poison from the Purple Worms and what is it being used for. The woman believes the organization is based out of Akros, she isn't sure but it's a good place to start.
The woman turns to Kaliaros and gives him a vial with a snake head at the vial's mouth. The contents look like a dark sludge. The woman tells Kaliaros to drink it as it'll help him in Akros. Reluctantly, Kaliaros drinks the contents of the vial. It burns a lot as he drinks it but after a while feels a surge of power.

Before being dismissed by the woman, Kaliaros mentions that he met someone named Dacia and Epistastis. He was wondering what was the woman's name. In a quick motion, the woman waved the surroundings away and they were both now in a temple lit by torches. The woman made it clear that where ever he heard of other names or the identity of Dacia and Epistastis, it was nothing more than a delusional fairy tale and that she wouldn't hear more on the topic. With another wave of her hand, Kaliaros wakes up in his bed at the House of Healing.

After a long week of relative normal work, the council meet up after dinner at the Huntress on the day before the Theorphiliam Mysteries.

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 11 (+1)
  • Nir: 11 (+1)
  • Fennan: 12 (+1)
  • Fyx: 11 (+1)
  • Kaliaros: 11 (+1)
  Completed Quests Ongoing Quests
Report Date
01 Apr 2022

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