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Session 3: The calm before...

Andrios, 9th of Anagrypnion

General Summary

Kalriaros rushed into the House of Healing after hearing Miri's scream. Inside he sees Miri and Horas holding their head in visible distress. They described a sharp sound in their mind accompanied by a voice saying "They are coming... only the chosen ones will save us". Kaliaros went to check on the mysterious woman immediately noticed that she was running a high fever and that the discoloration had worsened, now covering her entire arms and beginning to spread into her chest. Kaliaros, Miri, Horas and Keanon worked to lower her temperature.   At the same time, the away team formed by Fyx, Fennan, and Nir were helping Okleaos put what goods remained into his cart. Kadmos buried the dead wolves and gave a prayer to Nylea. The team decided to wait for Lukos and Baruch which returned a couple of hours later. Now reunited, the group decided to return to Andrios.   After a lot of effort, Kaliaros managed to lower the fever and there was a small regression in the discoloration. A short while after, Melanthos arrived carrying Priam. Horas treated Priam's leg and let him rest.   As the group approached Andrios through the forest, they were jumped by Drarra Wildpride. She informed the group that everyone was on high alert. They still haven't heard from Landron or Krinos though and Drarra Wildpride was clearly worried about that. Kadmos instructed Drarra Wildpride to continue patroling and the group continued towards Andrios.   Melanthos welcomed the away team as they arrived in Andrios. He instructed Lukos to escort everyone to the House of Healing so ensure Okleaos received treatment and so Kalriaros could debrief them on what happened. The team was welcomed by Kaliaros at the House of Healing, Horas treated Okleaos the same way he treated Priam while Kaliaros informed everyone else what had happened with the mysterious woman.   As it was quite late, everyone decided to get some rest and discuss what happened with the away team in the morning. Before leaving the House of Healing Nir attempted to speak telepathically with the mysterious woman but that just resulted in everyone in the house of healing feeling pain in their mind akin to being stabbed in the brain. This also caused the discoloration to progress a little bit. Fennan noticed a slight change in the tattoos, they seemed more intricate. Kadmos and Kaliaros remained in the House of Healing while Fyx, Nir, and Fennan left for their respective houses. On their way home, Fyx and Nir encountered Laeira who was also on her home from partying. Marpe welcomed them home with a hot bath and they retired for the night.   In the morning Fyx woke up almost getting shot by Keanon and heads down for breakfast. After breakfast, he went to the Stravos workshop where Herodotos showed Fyx a new instrument he has been working on. After the interaction, Fyx headed to the Hall of the Council.   Nir woke up at the same time as Fyx but took close to an hour to get ready. She ran into Prexila when she descended to have breakfast. Prexila insisted that the council needed to solve the merchant problem. After breakfast, Nir made her way to the Hall of the Council.   Upon arriving home, Fennan found a small heavy parcel behind his door. Inside were two sheets of a strange metal he couldn't recognize. In the morning he went to visit Gaur for more information regarding the metal. Gaur told Fennan that Tauin had managed to refine the strange material Fennan had brought him, she called it Nyxsteel. Gaur also informed Fennan that Tauin was in the Council Hall doing research. Before leaving Dajar gave Fennan a loaf of what seemed like bread but was quite heavy. Fennan made his way to the Council Hall.   Kadmos, who decided to sleep in one of the rooms in the House of Healing, woke up and decided to do a small sprint across the room to see if he was still under the effect of the weakness he felt in his stride. This caused quite the commotion waking everyone up and wasn't enough to reach any solid conclusions. Kaliaros agreed to give Kadmos a checkup if Kadmos was still feeling the effect of the weakness. The two went outside to go for a physical test.
Report Date
13 Jan 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 3 (+1)
  • Nir: 1 (+0)
  • Fennan: 1 (+0)
  • Fyx: 1 (+1)
  • Kaliaros: 2 (+0)
  Completed Quests Ongoing Quests

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