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Session 4: A plan takes shape

Andrios, 10th of Anagrypnion

Kadmos and Kaliaros went outside to do a small test to see if Kadmos was still afflicted by the slowed movement speed. After a small jog, they concluded this was the case and went into a private room in the House of Healing. Inspecting closely Kaliaros noticed the same discoloration present on the mysterious woman's skin. Also, on the right leg, there seemed to be some kind of tattoo though he wasn't able to identify its shape due to the amount of fur. Given its link to the condition to the mysterious woman's condition, the two decided that there was nothing to do but solve the mystery.  
Kaliaros then decides to check up on the woman, he notices a change in the pattern of the tattoos. Where before there were seemingly random lines, they are now taking the shape of a weaved pattern (see example image on the right). The weave being denser nearer her hands. He spends the remaining time until noon casting Resistance in an attempt to help her recover. He doesn't notice any effect though.   Meanwhile, Fennan makes his way to the Hall of Education. He encounters Okros on his way who seems to be mumbling to himself. Okros shares his frustrations regarding the lack of trade and his worries about The Theophiliam Mysteries festival in only two weeks. Fennan tells Okros that he'll raise those concerns to the council and he continues on his way.    Arriving at the Hall of Education, he inquires to Ekris about any updates regarding the runes on the mask. Ekris lets him know that Aretha had an update for him. Before leaving to speak with Aretha, Fennan asked Ekris to visit the mysterious woman at the House of Healing to analyse the changes in the tattoo that he had noticed on the previous evening. Ekris prepares some materials before making her way.   Fennan leaves the research center and makes his way to the library. At the corner he hears Aretha and Tauin speaking. Approaching, Tauin begins to ramble about her achievements at refining the strange ore. She sketches a diagram showing the machine she created but there's a part of it that plays a key part at cooling down the metal that she doesn't quite understand so she was asking Aretha for help researching the process. Fennan wasn't able to help only looking at the diagram and decided he would inspect the machine in person. Fennan inquired about Aretha's conclusions regarding the mysterious woman but she didn't seem to warn to discuss the matter on front of Tauin so Fennan decided to return after the Council meeting.   At the council meeting, once everyone arrives. Fyx, Nir, and Kadmos explain what happened with the wolves while Fennan is trying to figure out the cooling component on Tauin's diagram. After the debrief, the group decides that everyone from the council should meet with the wolves. They decide to meet at the City Watch Barracks and leave for the edge of the Andrios forest shortly after sundown. Meanwhile, in order to alleviate concerns regarding the festival, there's a decision to send Lukos and Okros to Thestia to purchase goods.   Kaliaros gives everyone an update regarding the mysterious woman and the group decided to visit the location where Kadmos first found her in hopes of finding some clues. Melanthos decides to rest and will await for the rest at the City Watch Barracks.    Melanthos leaves towards the City Watch Barracks. Just as Kadmos decides to make his way to the Warden's den, Kaliaros asks him if there's anything he wants to share. Kadmos chooses not to reveal the discoloration or tattoo on his leg. Nir notices that Kadmos is hiding something though. Kadmos makes his way to the Warden's Den.   Before everyone else leaves, Fennan tells Nir about the new refined metal Tauin created from the strange ore. Nir inspects it for magical properties but just as she touches it there's a huge explosion of green light in the room which gets absorbed into the palm of Nir's hand forming a glowing light green semi-circle. It isn't clear what effect the symbol on Nir's hand is but she concluded that given the reaction of her own magic, the metal clearly had some kind of magical properties.   Everyone decides to group up at the House of Healing in about 30 minutes to head out into the forest in search of the location where the mysterious woman was found. Kaliaros to the House of Healing and on his way he notices he isn't moving as fast as he would expect.
Report Date
21 Jan 2022   Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 3 (+0)
  • Nir: 1 (+0)
  • Fennan: 2 (+1)
  • Fyx: 1 (+0)
  • Kaliaros: 3 (+1)
  Completed Quests Ongoing Quests

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