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Session 7: A brief respite

General Summary

Nir read the runes on the female statue's base out loud "Echo". There feels like there's pressure in the voice and the words echos in the ruined tower. The statue moves slightly, from holding the staff casually behind her to standing at attention with the staff held vertically beside her. The raven that was resting on the statue's shoulder doesn't move and continues to observe attentively.    Fyx recalls seeing other similar statues during his adventures. One in Phaela, a small city in the Meletis peninsula, another in a temple deep within the Setessa forest, and the last in a ruined fortress in the northwest of the Oreskos savanna.    The council searches for more clues as to why the statue would move but doesn't find anything of note. Nir attempts to speak "Echo" again but it doesn't carry the same power as before and nothing happens. Meanwhile, Kadmos attempts to speak with the raven which only makes seemingly random gestures while Kaliaros analyses the raven and concludes that the raven is immune to all types of damage. Eventually, the council decides that they want to further explore the statue but they need to make their way back to Andrios to meet Melanthos and prepare for the meeting with the wolves.   On the way back, as they pass through the corpse they encountered, an argument erupted over the weapons Kadmos was carrying. Kadmos wanted someone to identify if the weapons had magical properties and potentially bring them to Andrios for the City Watch to use. Nir however didn't want any evidence of what occurred in Andrios. Eventually, after some back and further, Kadmos decides to bury the weapons near one of the rocks.   After an uneventful hike through the forest, the council arrives back in Andrios. Nir and Fennan decide to head to the Hall of Education, Kadmos and Kaliaros head to the House of Healing while Fyx waited outside of the House of Healing.   Kadmos decides to visit the mysterious woman to see if anything had changed. The woman was still unconscious but Kadmos decided to relay to her the afternoon's events. There was no physical reaction from the woman but Kadmos could feel like she was listening.   Kaliaros finds Horas working in the House of Healing's workshop, Horas informs Kaliaros that Keanon and Miri decided to spend some time in the Huntress to unwind. Horas decided to stay behind and work on restocking on healing tonics. Kaliaros warns Horas about the spreading discoloration illness and Horas gives Kaliaros two Lesser Healing tonics. On the way out Kaliaros sees Kadmos leave the room where the woman was staying and they both decided to head to the City Watch baracks.   Fyx spent some time investigating his legs to identify if he also suffered from the spreading illness and not only found that there was some discoloration on his legs but he also had some kind of strange marking on his calf. He then spent the rest of his time waiting reading the letter he received. After a short while, Kadmos and Kaliaros leave the House of Healing and all three make their way to meet Melanthos.   Nir and Fennan arrive at a dark and silent Council Hall. They make their way to the Hall of Education where there's a light coming from the research lab. There they find Ekris working on a desk piled with scrolls. Ekris has done a lot of research around the meaning of the tattoos and found many legends of recurring tattoos across the ages and tattoos that are linked to the gods and evolve as the person's relationship with the gods evolves. Unfortunately, she didn't find a link between the tattoos and the discoloration. Nir shows Ekris the fragments of the crystal Dawn used to create the terrifying pink fog and describes what happened. Fennan asks Ekris to prioritise the fragments. Meanwhile, Nir, using her newfound ability, reads the runes on the back of the mask: "The old ones will be our doom and salvation. Find the oracle in the ruins along the Lindus River in the Katachthon Mountains". Ekris and is so focused on the fragments that she doesn't even notice. Fennan tries to leave 10 platinum for investing into research but Ekris insists that money isn't what they need, they need access to equipment. Before leaving for the City Watch barracks, Nir leaves 7 platinum on Zinon's desk.   Kaliaros, Fyx and Kadmos arrive first at the City Watch. Inside Melanthos and Lukos are having a conversation over a map. Melanthos is visibly releaved that the council members are ok, he was about to send people after them given that they were so late. Melanthos sends Lukos to the Warden's Den to warn Torakas, on his way out Lukos finds Kadmos checking Krinos's legs for any kind of infection but doesn't find anything. Kadmos asks Lukos to take 10 platinum for Torakas to store. Meanwhile, Nir and Fennan arrive at the City Watch.   Nir and Kadmos remain at the City Watch giving Melanthos a report of what happened in the forest while Fennan, Kaliaros, and Fyx went to the Huntress to fetch an offering for the wolves. At the Huntress, Fyx makes a magnificent entrance which calls everyone's attention, he gives Kaliaros 2 platinum to give Aspacia and then spends some time on stage playing for the people of Andrios. Meanwhile, Kaliaros and Fennan ask Aspacia for meat, she offers them two boar legs for 5 gold if they don't tell Kadmos where the meat came from, Kaliaros declines the offer and pays her the 2 gold plus the 2 platinum from Fyx. The three make their way back to the City Watch.   As Fennan, Fyx and Kaliaros arrive at the barracks, Nir and Kadmos are finishing their report. It's clear that Melanthos has a lot on his mind but not wanting to delay leaving even further he encourages that they leave and discuss on the road. And so everyone leaves the City Watch about 2 hours from midnight towards the edge of the Andrios forest to meet with the wolves.
Report Date
11 Feb 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 5 (+1)
  • Nir: 4 (+0)
  • Fennan: 5 (+1)
  • Fyx: 4 (+1)
  • Kaliaros: 5 (+0)
  Completed Quests Ongoing Quests

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