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This quiet nation run by an elected council in the far south is famous for its medicines and gardens. Excepting of all races, and with anti-slavery sentiments, this nation also boasts extensive coastline with deep ports making it a wealth trade hub of the south.


Arelti is the most recently founded nation on the continent. It was established in the year 1148, right after it won the Divison War, with the aid of Farshno, against Mel. Mel was originally a colony of Gylanese which established itself as a nation after Gylanese fell and continued on (including with the slave economy it used since it was a colony). But some citizens disapproved of slavery and conflict between the two factions (those that approved and those that disapproved of slavery) escalated until war broke out in 1146. Some ancestors of today’s citizens went to Farshno to ask for aid in the war and so, with this other nation’s aid, they won the Division War. They set about a plan to free the slaves and teach them occupations and set up a council of elected to govern Arelti. Since the Slavery War broke out between Farshno and Hapina in 1223, with Mel and Bern being dragged in the next year, Arelti has kept close watch on the war torn border nations. Just two months ago, Arelti joined the Slavery War.
Founding Date
1148 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system
Inars. Minor, standard, and major inars are relatable to copper, silver, and gold pieces and are often made of the same metals and materials.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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