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A closed off aristocracy with quiet hamlets and peaceful villages of halflings. This nation thrives off of simple, easy living in accord with the land and the natural world. Little goes on here and that is exactly the way its citizens prefer it.


This nation started as communities of halflings across the south-western peninsula. For centuries live continued unchanging and peaceful with good trade relations with the Riders of Bain Nard and the desert dwellers in Otakai. Then in the beginning of the 600s, a community of dragons and humans established a large community to the north in the Wernt Mountains. Uncomfortable with dragons, large and scary as they are, many of the northern halfling communities picked up everything they had and moved south.   Things went on again as before until 767 when the Gylanese army landed and began to march across the land, burning villages and taking the halflings as slaves. By 769 all the western lands had be conquered. In desperation the remaining communities sent an emissary to Bern and Bain Nard. Those sent to Bain Nard never return and many historians believe they were taken by Gylanese before reaching Bain Nard.   In 770, the group sent to Bern returned with the Bernese vanguard, to be followed shortly by a larger army. With Bern’s help, the halflings pushed Gylanese back and, in 773, Gylanese ended the war. To ensure that no subsequent attack could benefit from the system of scattered settlements the still free halflings established the nation Hearqiasha in 780.   A heavy guard was kept on the borders nearest the Gylanese colonies to protect the new nation. And, with the fall of Gylanese in 1047 and the founding of Hapina in 1050, an increased guard was placed on the borders. Despite this, Hapina slavers still raid into Hearqiasha to this day. Since the Division War in Mel, Hearqiasha has been friendly and supportive of Arelti, though many Hearqiasha halflings scorn those halflings who chose to live in Arelti, a half human half halfling kingdom. In 1225, Hearqaisha increased their militia to guard against the encroaching Slavery War.


Many of the ancestors of the current Heaqiasha natives did not have much in the way of religion and there is still mixed associations placed on the Cheala Pantheon. While not 'officially recognized,' many of this nation's citizens have converted to the northern religion.
Founding Date
780 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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