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Brynna "Jeweltongue" Ironbrew

Former PC

Brynna is a rebel fighting for freedom and rights in Bakianna where she was born. She received a letter that sent her journeying across nations and launched her to fame after discovering the secret of the Tower of El'va. She has since returned to her mission to support the downtrodden of Bakianna, with the support of new allies across the continent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brynna "Jeweltongue" Ironbrew was born to common parents south of the major cities of Bakianna. Her parents owned the general store in her small town, and at a younger age she helped at a nearby tavern owned by a family friend, Hildreth Redjaw. When she started dabbling in music Hildreth took some pity on her and allowed her to play weekly in the tavern. As the weeks went by, word started to spread, and soon the whole place would be packed on a weekly basis whenever Brynna sang and played her dulcimer. Her music of choice was folk, focusing on bringing equality to the downtrodden of the land. After much encouragement from family and friends, she took her talents northward, to one of the larger cities. There, too, she was able to find a dedicated audience. As she traveled the towns of Bakianna, word spread of her songs, and she became a sort of folk-hero to the people as a strong dwarven woman who was willing to call out the corruption and exploitation within the aristocracy.   This brings us to her secret. She was young at the time her career began, just entering her 50s. Singing against the powerful was all well and good, but her young age brought out a rashness. When in the capitol of Bakianna (or whatever it has,) she started meeting with a small group of like-minded dwarves. A few beers and hours into their meeting and talk changed from idealism to reality. Names, oaths and plans were put down on paper, as the conspirators developed the beginning of a resistance. Over the weeks and months following, the group carried out small terrorist acts against the homes, workplaces, and families of the aristocrats. However, someone broke the trust, and the powerful people of the city learned of the next meeting place and time. The group was only able to be warned minutes before the guards kicked in the door. Most used this time to panic and ready their weapons, but Brynna chose a more cowardly route. She burned every document with her name on it and hid. Nearly everyone else was slaughtered or imprisoned. This was over twenty (thirty) years ago, but she still regrets it every day, and still fears she might someday face one of the people she wronged so badly.   Although her name was never linked to the resistance, she still does have many enemies in the aristocracy of Bakianna, who she still vocally calls out at every chance she gets. The only reason she hasn't been silenced is that they don't want to make her into a martyr.   Brynna has a sister, Rosia. While being somewhat younger, Rose is an adult, and actually is a talented smith with her own shop. Rosia made Brynna's battleaxe specially for her, and decorated the blades and hilt with vines and roses, to remind Brynna always of her family. Brynna thinks of her family often, and has long harbored the fear that her actions will cause repercussions that may damage her family. She's afraid that her family may targeted to get at her. Little does she know, her fear is actually well-founded. Occasionally, strangers show up at her parents' and Rosia's shops and make vague threat-like comments. Brynna is unaware of this, her family has never told her because they don't want her to worry. Also, Brynna and Rosia grew up in their parents' general store, playing on the dusty floors, knocking over stacks of goods, and occasionally helping out. Brynna got her first dulcimer as a young child here, when a traveler accidentally left theirs behind. Her parents had left it out, in case the man came back, and Brynna waddled over and started messing around with it. Her parents, who were always very supportive of their daughters, found this adorable, and went out of their way to buy a few basic practice books to help with her interest. Brynna is mostly self-taught, but has studied under a few master bards to pick up some tips and tricks.   DISCLAIMER: The above information is paraphrased from the Player Character's history and all creative rights about this character's history remain in sole possession of that player.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1174 CE 56 Years old


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