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A tyrannical monarchy whose kingdom has slowly lost more and more land and people and now is experiencing an underground movement against the aristocracy. Even so, for the nobility life goes on like normal while the taxes, prices, and living costs for the poor class rise higher by the month. That is until a few years ago with the assassination of the last monarch, which plunged Bakianna into a nation of power struggles as the nobility fight for the crown and the lower class fight for their rights.


Bakianna emerged in 716 from the ashes of the Chealain Empire’s conquests. It grew fast and by 732 it controlled territory from the Ranginye Range and the Elokoi Sea to the Plains Valley and nearly as far west as the Cheala Vallay. With a goal to rival the former Chealain Empire’s control it continued to expand.   Then in 736 a sickness spread fast through the Bakianna armies and population and by 738 nearly a third of the nation’s population was dead. With this the lords in the eastern holdings rebelled and established the kingdom of Chean (739). The sickness faded and in 744 Bakianna was mustering her armies again but discontent was running through the long ruled Wolntarean people (who had been subjugated by Cheala long before). War broke out in 748 as the Wolntareans gathered in the south eastern corner of Bakianna and began to demand freedom. In 750, Bakianna had nearly won the war when the Wolntareans formed an alliance with Bain Nard and the tides turned. They gained their freedom in 754, forcing Bakianna to surrender land and acknowledge the newly formed nation of Wolntare.   The war had drained Bakianna resources and it stopped pursuing expansion, turning to exploration within its borders. In 893, Zendon Danren took the throne after his father’s mysterious death. He quickly implemented new laws, sanctioning the worship of Roksane, declaring her the nation’s god, and expelling the current religious cults. Under Zendon’s rule, the western regions soon became discontent and civil war started in 905 with the declaration of a new nation, Tajarat. The war was bloody and long, and finally ended in 918 when Bakianna’s general was killed by a stray arrow.   The nation suffered another rebellion when nobles in the southern region declared intentions to leave in 959. This war, however, ended in a treaty with Innarea (the new nation) established as a puppet state.   In the recent century anger at the aristocracy has been growing among the commoners of Bakianna until, around 1179, this anger manifested itself in an underground organization that attacked, robbed and destroyed anything that had to do with nobles. Less than a year after its founding, news of its next meeting was discovered by the Bakianna Military, and they promptly arrested everyone at that meeting. Over the next two weeks, everyone who was arrested was executed.   This quieted the dissent in the lower classes for the next half century. But it rose again in the past two decades, leading to the assassination of King Zendon Danran six years ago and caused years of power struggles between the nobility and rebellious uprising from the lower classes.
Founding Date
716 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Cheala Talons; copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages


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