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Grismyl Creag

Former PC

Grismyl saw much of the world and of adventuring long before she ever considered the Tower of El'va. This came in handy when she became one of the few to dare the tower and one of the very fewer to return alive, having conquered its secrets. She has since returned to wandering the world, delving still for its secrets.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grismyl (Gris) was born in Gloif and spent her youth there. Her family was close and she was particularly fond of her grandmother, Belmyl, for whom she was named. Belmyl was a lorekeeper, and Gris developed a soft spot for stories, songs, and lore after spending many an hour listening to her grandmother’s tales.   In their youth, Belmyl and her husband Rusdain were among those dwarves sent to explore Gylanese following the collapse there in 1047. Though Belmyl returned alive, Rusdain perished in the wasteland. Though Belmyl was characteristically glad to share her knowledge on just about any subject, she was very reluctant to tell anyone any details about what happened in the Gylanese Ruins. Belmyl’s silence on the subject always gnawed at Gris and she thus developed a burning desire to explore the ruins herself and understand her grandfather’s fate.   That curiosity, combined with a youthful wanderlust, led Gris to leave her home in her mid 30’s to travel to Tajarat, where she enrolled in school to study ancient site exploration. She spent close to a decade there and developed close friendships with a number of her fellow students. Her closest confidants were two humans: a wizard named Roman Reigns and a bard named Lacey Pare, with whom Gris shared an interest in collecting songs and stories. The trio was quite close and over time, Lacey and Gris eventually fell in love.   Gris, Lacey, and Roman traveled together to some of the ancient sites in Tajarat and Camantha, collecting history and honing their dungeon-diving skills, before eventually making their way back into Gloif. During that time, their relationship began to shift and sour as Roman grew cold and Lacey distant. Their friendship ended when (for reasons she still doesn’t understand) Roman and Lacey betrayed her, attacking and robbing her and leaving her for dead in the wilderness.   Though Gris did survive (barely), the emotional (and physical) scars run deep. She has never forgiven them. Over the intervening decades, she has nursed a desire for vengeance against Roman, whom she hates for turning Lacey against her. Of course, Lacey’s betrayal was even more wounding. Though Gris hates her, on some level she is still in love with her too.   Since then, Gris has been on her own. She made her way to the edge of the Gylanese Ruins and has spent years gathering what information she can and honing her skills as a monk. She has made a name for herself as one of the few people foolhardy enough to attempt exploring the Ruins.   She is very tight lipped about her history with Roman and Lacey, and she is also harboring the secret that she bore a son in her early 30’s. She named him Rusdain after her late grandfather and gave him up for adoption in Gloif. She does not know what became of him.   DISCLAIMER: The above information is paraphrased from the Player Character's history and all creative rights about this character's history remain in sole possession of that player.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1164 CE 66 Years old


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