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There is a saying, "an engagement ring bought at market may last a month, but an engagement ring bought from a Gloifian dwarf will last a lifetime." It is this nation, a monarchy, that is known for superior metal craft and jewelry making, but as well for being, like the other kingdoms of the elder races, closed off and suspicious of strangers.


Gloif was established by a group of settlers from Strokec in 578. Gylanese, to the south made no objections though they seemed to keep a close watch on their northern border. When Gylanese in the mid 700s started sending ships down the coast to, as Gloif heard later, conquer the land of the halflings and gnomes, Gloif increased its watch on its southern neighbor.   In the early 800s, dispute over the throne broke out between the two princes at the time, it was settled without much bloodshed but the younger son and some of his followers left Gloif and in 823 became citizens of Bern.   When the Gylanese kingdom collapsed in 1047, Gloif sent expeditions into the dead land. Not all the members of this group returned and those that did spoke of a wasteland, worse than even the Otakai Desert, where nothing lived and magic did not work right. The nation promptly began warning travelers not to go into the Gylanese Ruins, as they became known as. Gloif holds friendly trading relations with Camantha and collaboration between schools with Tajarat.
Founding Date
578 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Treerin; coins that are similar (with the same names) as Cheala Talons.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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