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Maps Yu

Former PC

Maps has accomplished more than many at a very young age. She made a breakthrough discovery for the academic world at the age of 18 and survived the Tower of El'va only a year later. She has since spent her time building an organization, Interprovincial Protection and Service Agency, dedicated to her former mentor, Ipsa, which focuses on helping those in need.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It was said that those who sought adventure would unfailingly find it, or at least, so the books of Maps’ childhood claimed. To chase danger and relics...her goals lied in sharp contrast to that of her father’s, who fled a war-torn Eveavion in pursuit of a stable life. And while the worry of a father was a force to be reckoned with, Papa Yú had learned that there was nothing as strong as the ambition of youth. So he allowed a young Maps to proceed with her conquests (most involving theft, traps, and onslaughts of [failed] sneak-attacks from a band of prepubescent girls), smoothing over repercussions and keeping peace with fellow merchants. Until one day, Maps picked a pocket that was simply out of her father’s hands.   Ipsa Deshpande was her target’s name, a newly minted Professor from one of Tajarat’s finest exploring schools. She’d come to Camantha for a dig, and while she found Maps unrefined, saw a budding potential within her – a desire, a thirst to become. “To become an adventurer,” she’d said, upon re-claiming her journal, one required “a certain basin of knowledge; one of history, ethics, integrity, and respect.” With this, she offered Maps the opportunity to study and board at her place of employment, challenging her to rise to the top of the class. Then, and only then, would she acquire the skill set necessary for success in a grand adventure. Perhaps it was the fact that Deshpande was the first other half-elf she’d met, or that her own heists were getting her nowhere, but it didn’t take a ten-year-old Maps long to accept the proposition. So she travelled to Tajarat with the papers necessary for schooling, father worried, but supporting her all the way.   Her new classes were hard, at the beginning. Papa Yú’s double short sword training helped with the physical aspect, but it was the writing and theory that stumped her. With Deshpande’s help, however, she found solace in history, allowing the woman to mold her into her protege. Maps aspired to become like her mentor, adopting her stances, values, and even a pair of wired spectacles to match hers. Upon graduation, Maps continued to learn as Deshpande’s apprentice, exploring various relics while submitting her work to academic journals. Her discoveries allowed her a budding exploratory presence, growing moderate as her finds increased in number. It took falling through the floor for her to break the big leagues – quite literally, as the event led to the uncovering of an underground series of caverns that linked thirty thought to be standalone temples together. This discovery was deemed essential for the local exploratory community, which ended up winning her a prestigious and well-known award. Maps and Deshpande led a team of explorers through the newfound system of underground caverns-- Deshpande took the executive helm and spent the rest of her time researching symbols, while Maps traced origins and dealt with logistics. To help offset the weight of the exploratory costs, they sold a fortune’s worth of artifacts to a powerful curator, Maria Fernanda Isabella Hurtado de Molina, who offered the best price, but was known for her cutthroat philosophy. She’d allow them to keep studying their wares even after they were moved, but the day before the items were due, Deshpande (who’d been growing progressively more distraught as the explorations continued) disappeared with the wares and Hurtado de Molina’s money. All involved parties covered the debacle, thankfully, but with Deshpande gone, the burden fell solely upon Maps to come up with either the artifacts or the money, lest she risk ruin to her financial status and credibility (if not worse). She has four months left to come up with what’s needed, or it may be game over for her.   DISCLAIMER: The above information is paraphrased from the Player Character's history and all creative rights about this character's history remain in sole possession of that player.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1202 CE 28 Years old


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