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Parnse City

The capital of Bakianna sits on the shoreline of Baki Lake and oversees trade along the coast from the river access there. Since the death of Zendon Danren the 13th, this city has been both the heart of the revolution and of the nobility. Such an intersection has caused the city to become a scene of daily confrontation and anger; a virtual tinderbox from which the events that will shape this nation are sure to begin.  
Parnse City


Quick view of the districts: “Inner City” (the districts around Pazha Castle) by Wealthiest:
  • Buzechu - old nobility
  • Dhisok - new nobility, very wealthy merchants, some stores
  • Wahuzku - very wealthy working class, stores
  • Gejusi - wealthy working class in service to the government, stores
“Lower City” (the districts outside the Inner City but still within the walls) by Wealthiest:
  • Summer District - merchants and other working class for the harbor, stores
  • Blackfair - mostly stores with some working class for the harbor
  • Sosningk - working class for the harbor, military, and other decent but low income
  • Whitecliff - stores, laborers and very low income
  • Westward - laborers and very low income, some stores
“The Slums” (the districts outside of the city walls) by Wealthiest:
  • Charfair - laborers and intermittent income
  • Nightend - laborers and intermittent income
  • Feysteps - laborers and little income
Quick note: the jobs and professions listed are not restrictive. All the districts frequently have some form of jobs related to foods and medicine. All protection services are either run by the nation’s military to enforce the laws or by the residents of the district for the safety of its members.   While the wealthiest of “The Slums,” Charfair compares quite closely to the poorest of the “Lower City,” both Whitecliff and Westward, there is a huge quality of difference between the Buzechu and all the other “Inner City” districts, let alone the massive difference between the poorest district in the “Inner City,” Gejusi, and the wealthiest in the “Lower City,” Summer District. Thus, a more accurate comparison is:
    Extremely Wealthy + Affluent (estimated income: over 100 silvers a week, many over 500 silvers per week)
  • Buzechu
  • Middle Class (estimated income: 20 to 100 silvers per week)
  • Dhisok
  • Wahuzku
  • Comfortable (estimated income: 10 to 20 silvers per week)
  • Gejusi
  • Poor (estimated income: 5 to 10 silvers per week)
  • Summer District
  • Blackfair
  • Sosningk
  • Very Poor (estimated income: 1 to 5 silvers per week)
  • Whitecliff
  • Westward
  • Charfair
  • Extremely Poor (estimated income: under 1 silver per week)
  • Nightend
  • Feysteps


Pronunciation: /blækfer/; derives from Common   Description: This dockside district boosts higher quality goods and services, with more preferred mooring along the Gaytu Docks. It has narrow streets winding among mostly shopfronts, though there are some more residential regions tucked away here and there.  


Pronunciation: /buˈzɛʧu/ or ‘boo-ze-chu’; derives from Attano (rose, park)   Description: This district, which encircles Pazha, is not the oldest of the city but it is the wealthiest and is home of the oldest and most distinguished noble families along with some higher end establishments catering to them.  


Pronunciation: /tʃɑːrfer/ or ‘ch-ar-fair’; derives from Common   Description: One of the largest city “slums,” this region, while certainly among the poorest in the area, itself is very similar to those districts inside the city walls. Frequently, those who lose their homes in the “Lower City” often find themselves in Charfair. The constant stream of newcomers has placed a strain on the small shops that do business here. However, this is also a hotbed of anger against the classism in the nation because everyone in Charfair has been a victim of the oppressive rule.  


Pronunciation: /ðisʊk/ or ‘dee-sook; derives from Ancient Chealain (great, garden)   Description: Newer members of the aristocracy, wealthy merchants, landowners, or important public figures make this district a mostly residential area.  


Pronunciation: /feɪsteps/; derives from Common   Description: The poorest of the districts, this area is rundown. It’s only source of jobs for those living here resides in Fuyshirud.  

Gejusi District

Pronunciation: /gɛʤuˈsi ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ or ‘ged-jew-see district’; derives from Attano (four, halls) + Common   Description: A district mostly for the wealthy who have jobs in the government or for the upper class such as powerful mages, bureaucratic officials, upper-level military (who do not directly hail from noble families), and so on. It is seen, from the Lower City, as part of the Upper Class, while other district residents view this as the Lower Class.  


Pronunciation: /naɪtend/; derives from Common   Description: Not the oldest of the outer districts, Nightend is a modest living for the districts known as The Slums, those outside of the city walls.  


Pronunciation: /sʊsniŋk/ or ‘soy-s-nin-k’; derives from Ancient Chealain (middle, downtown)   Description: Among the oldest districts in the city, Sosningk is nestled between the Fort and the inner city walls and houses a mixture of working class residents, most who's jobs revolve around the harbor.  

Summer District

Pronunciation: /ˈsʌm.ɚ ˈdɪs.trɪkt/; derives from Common   Description: A mix of residential and shops, the Summer Districts boasts access to the busiest working harbor and both market squares. It is perhaps the most well off of all the districts within the walls but outside of the inner city.  

Wahuzku (Old Town)

Pronunciation: /wɑhuzkʌ/ or ‘wah-whose-ker’; derives from Ancient Chealain (old, town)   Description: Not actually the oldest of the districts, Wahuzku is an eclectic mixture of residential homes for the very wealthy but not aristocracy and stores that provide goods and services for the aristocracy.  


Pronunciation: /ˈwest.wɚd/; derives from   Description: This district boasts some goods and service shops, mostly located near The Market Way and Trade Square, while the majority of it is residential neighborhoods.  


Pronunciation: /waɪtklɪf/; derives from Common   Description: The vast majority of Parnse City residents from the lower city (the region outside of the inner city but still contained within the city walls) call this district home.
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