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Located on a central isle in the Cinane Islands, this city has been often considered to be the capital of this region, though with only loose ties between the people here that has sometimes been in doubt. When the dictatorship of the nation was first established by Waylon Kelerson, he placed his seat of power in this city, making it, in the world's eyes, the capital of the Cinane Islands.  

Guilds and Factions


The Ninzarmas are a coalition of pirates who would rather call themselves raiders. Most members terrorize the eastern shores of Meinchola when out sailing but they have been known to attack pirate ships if they believe them to be carrying riches. They are seen as truly self-serving of all the pirates and factions in the islands. While not as loyal as the Tharvinzu within each crew, those that are aligned to this faction hold loyalty to the guild in high standing.  


The Tharvinzus backed Pirate King Cleavant Jeronimo when he claimed the throne. Upon his assassination two years ago and that of his killer, they accused the Sarvelle faction of trying to take the throne “illegally” when it was claimed that evidence connected the assassin to that faction. The Tharvinzus are known for their loyalty to crew. This collection of pirate crews is probably the most loosely connected faction in terms of inner workings. If a captain wants more power in the political dealings, they often join this one if the other two strongest, Ninzarma and Sarvelle, are not to their liking. That being said, due to the accusations being thrown around the past two years, many either left the faction or made very clear that their loyalties lay within it.  


The Sarvelle strongly deny any involvement in the 13th Pirate King’s death. They claim that the Tharvinzu planted the evidence. The majority of their members are known for raiding any coast or location that might have valuables to take. They often have rifts within the faction, but one key tenant remains true: If one does not have the strength to defend their own, then they have no right to it. The leadership in this faction often changes because of this tenant and they have some of the longest history of attempting to claim the Pirate Throne, with several successes. Very few who join ever leave this faction.  

Captain Yolan

Captain Yolan is one of the oldest figures still present in the political landscape of the Cinane Islands. At the age of 27, after being one of the youngest pirate captains in the isles for nearly eight years, he settled into life closer to Yiradin. Using some of the wealth he had made raiding the shores of Bakianna, he backed a challenger to the Pirate King’s throne. The challenger won, becoming the 4th Pirate King, and shot Yolan into higher fame. He distanced himself from the 4th Pirate King which kept him from losing power when that king was killed. Since then he has ingratiated himself with most of the Pirate Kings, except two including the last one, which has allowed him to maintain political power. Over the years he has stored up dozens of favors and gained a reputation as a powerful person and not one to cross lightly.
Owning Organization
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