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Myrrah Seasmasher

Former PC

Well known for many years, Myrrah disappeared for several months nearly a decade back. Rumors held that her ship had been sunk. But months later she returned to the sea with a new ship, some new and old crew mates, and some powerful friends across the continent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She isn’t sure where she was born, possibly Ishedore from what she knows of her “childhood” but she considers herself of the Cinane Islands. Her father was high-ranking Elven diplomat with blood ties to the royal family. He has/had a wife and children in Kasinthenel. He was on a diplomatic mission to Ishedore and met Myrrah’s mother. Her mother died in childbirth and her father was not interested in the embarrassment of bringing a half breed, out-of-wedlock child back to the Kasinthenel court, so left her to an orphanage. Slavery sure is a problem in Ishedore!!! Luckily during transport to Mienchola, the ship carrying a very small Myr was attacked by pirates and she was, surprisingly enough, taken in by the quartermaster (much like she would later take in Kit). Not the best place for kids to be raised but Myr came out sort…of…fine?   She’s a notorious and particularly savage pirate captain from the Cinane Islands, known for her “siren” ship, a crew of only women (and also her terrifying battle cries) As a pirate queen, she’s known as Mistress Myrrah Seasmasher, but in daily life she likes to go by Myr and that’s usually enough of an alias to get by.   She had a found family situation happening with her crewmates. The ship she was on was small, just a few people—Calliope, Thalia, and Mel (all sisters who joined together), a cabin boy (girl) named Kit (the baby of the crew and doted on by Myr), and her first mate Killian (a romance that never actually got to be fulfilled due to untimely death).   Her ship was destroyed and Killian mortally wounded in a somewhat recent? sea battle with a Fulnard ship protecting Kasinthenel. She sent her crew, including Kit, off on the smallboats and prepared to go down with her ship after one last hurrah where she stupidly boarded the enemy ship and killed probably like 10 people in a bloodthirsty rage before they brought her down. They intended to bring her to Kasinthenel for trial and to collect the reward, but the Elven party that met them at the dock gave them their money and took Myr away, only to not hold a trial or sentence her in Kasinthenel, the reason being “diplomatic conflicts”. With a few other prisoners, she was brought to Morenth, where, presumably, she was going to actually be sentenced. But Myr is very strong, and very intimidating, and someone might have knocked a few guards unconscious, letting one or two prisoners escape into the wilds. She is uncertain of whether she is still wanted by Kasinthenel or whether they are going to let this one slide. She’s keeping her pirate stuff to herself while she travels and tries to find out where Kit and her crew ended up, whether they are safe, etc. Also escaping from capture left her kind of penniless and it turns out that fighter types can turn a good living doing freelance. She's just Myr now, killer (with some anger issues) for hire.   If she ever met her father, she would probably kill him on the spot. Likewise with the captain of the ship who brought her own down and killed Killian.   DISCLAIMER: The above information is paraphrased from the Player Character's history and all creative rights about this character's history remain in sole possession of that player.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1186 CE 44 Years old


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