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Bugbears feature in the nightmare tales of many races — great, hairy beasts that creep through the shadows as quiet as cats. If you walk alone in the woods, a bugbear will reach out of the bushes and strangle you. If you stray too far from the house at night, bugbears will scoop you up to devour you in their den. If a bugbear cuts off your head, your soul stays trapped inside, and the bugbears use your head to magically command all whom you once knew. Lurid tales such as these have flowered from the seeds of truth. Bugbears do rely on stealth and strength to attack, preferring to operate at night. They do take the heads of enemy leaders, but they are no more likely to eat people indiscriminately than most other Soulborn are. Bugbears aren’t likely to attack lone travelers or wandering children unless they clearly have something to gain by doing so. From the viewpoint of the rest of the world, their aggression and savagery are thankfully offset by their lethargy.   The term 'bugbear' is quite old, but isn't the original name of the species. Oldest records that date from the time of the War of Souls refer to the species as the 'faelbelg'. However, the term 'bugbear' evolved from an old Shining One term meaning 'irritating fey bear'.  


Bugbears have a reputation for being dim-witted and brutish. This claim is not unfounded and bugbears have easily provoked tempers and are prone to fitful rages. Few bugbears overcome this flaw and their culture's brutal nature. Bugbear heroes, though rare, are heard of and can acquire significant renown if successful. Often the motivation for this change of heart comes from the rewards earned from virtue, which in the long term can be more pleasing than the short-lasting pleasures of evil. In their own tribes, bugbears tend to prize self-sufficiency and violence among themselves.   When they’re not in battle, bugbears spend much of their time resting or dozing. They don’t engage in crafting or agriculture to any great extent, or otherwise produce anything of value. They bully weaker creatures into doing their bidding, so they can take it easy. When a superior force tries to intimidate bugbears into service, they will try to escape rather than perform the work or confront the foe. Even when subsumed into a goblinoid host and drawn into war, bugbears must often be roused from naps and bribed to get them to do their duties. This indolence offers no clue to how vicious the creatures are. Bugbears are capable of bouts of incredible ferocity, using their muscular bodies to exact swift and ruthless violence. At their core, bugbears are ambush predators accustomed to long periods of inactivity broken by short bursts of murderous energy. Ferocious though they may be, bugbears aren’t built for extended periods of exertion.

Basic Information


Bugbears are easily identified by the long thick hair or fur that covers their body, along with a wide, flat face that is unusually devoid of any hair or fur. All bugbears have pronounced tusks protruding from their lower jaws - something also found in orcs and some goblins, giving support to the theory of common ancestry. Overall, however, their physical appearance is that of a bear standing on its hind legs with the facial structure similar to typical goblin or orc shapes but with long, sloping bat-like ears.   Their fur has a variety of color depending on climate. Most bugbear fur color ranges black to reddish-blonde. In some far northern regions, this fur will turn white in the deep winter months. Other than the fur, what little skin is seen on a bugbear carries a similar shade as their fur tone. This results from the same environmental response as their fur color. Eye color is either black or brown and their hands and feet have soft pads that are rather resilient. It isn't uncommon to see a bugbear going without shoes when walking outside or in rough terrain.

Genetics and Reproduction

Obsessed with the hunt, bugbears rarely mate, judging their partner's worthiness by the scars they mark themselves with, each telling the unique tale of their most impressive hunt. When a bugbear gives birth, it is usually to twins or triplets, and sometimes more, although the births grow more dangerous with each additional child. Mothers frequently die during childbirth, but this proves little hindrance as their children's bloodthirsty instincts are strong from birth, and most happily hunt Soulborn within five years and reach their full size in ten. Even if their mother survives childbirth, young bugbears are soon abandoned, and only the most fearless and brutal survive to adulthood.

Growth Rate & Stages

Bugbears reach the age of maturity at 16 years old, though they are fully grown, capable hunters by 10. Though almost all bugbears die of violent means within 20 years, they can technically live up to 80 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bugbears are omnivorous but tend toward to meat and protein heavy meals. This can, depending on the culture, mean beans, meat-grubs or forms of protein other than beef, etc. Vegetables - such as root vegetables and some leafy vegetables - are a part of their diet as well, but play a secondary role. In lean times, bugbears are able to subsist entirely on a vegetarian diet, but will eventually seek out a source of protein to supplement what's missing.

Biological Cycle

Bugbear life is merciless, short, and violent. Most bugbears only live 20 or so years, though the deadliest among them can kill hundreds in this short span.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bugbear names are guttural and range from short to long. They do not have surnames, though if they are part of a particularly stable band or clan with other goblinoids, then they may use that as their surname.   Bugbear Names: Bulruglak, Calaglorm (“Calag”), Elgkryn, Forogg, Gorunkh, Gurrek, Hurrvulkh, Karlrankh, Korrak, Kulgor, Irunn, Jorrk, Orulk, Rulktur (“Rulk”), Sagrakh, Yurturlg

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Bugbears are often found in the company of other goblinoids, particularly goblins, since tribes made up mostly of hobgoblins and bugbears tend to be wiped out quickly by other races as a precaution. Some bugbears also operate independently, though tribes ruled by hobgoblins are always better organized and less savage. This is in part because bugbears have little patience for diplomacy or negotiation, preferring violent solutions to conflicts unless obviously overpowered.   Bugbears have their own 'god', an Emanation of Caighreadhug called Hruggek the Decapitator. Bugbears often decapitate their enemies as a way to honor Hruggek, who is said to do the same.   After a particularly vicious and successful hunt, bugbears take trophies. Sometimes the only trappings of civilization they have are their weapons, armor, and bloodied trophy collection. A common bugbear memento is a grisly necklace fashioned from the severed ears of their favorite victims.   Scarification is almost universal amongst bugbears, and after particularly impressive kills a bugbear gives itself a unique scar, which other bugbears can "read" to learn of the bugbear's achievements. Bugbears also produce unique alcohol called Bramble-Sick Brandy made from a bramble called Tomb Herald. The concoction, which is nauseating to humans, enhances a bugbear's ability to hunt. As the largest of goblin-kind, bugbears sometimes force their smaller relatives into servitude, especially the easily cowed goblins. The bugbear's violent nature tends to make these groups short-lived. Some smarter hobgoblin commanders try to utilize the bugbear's savagery as front-line fighters or failing that as a terrifying diversion to release against an enemy.


Bugbears are the children of Caighreadhug, Mother of Nightmares and have been loyal to it since the time of the War of Souls.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Bugbears seem to loathe the company of all other creatures and are not even that keen on other bugbears.
Caighreadhug, Mother of Nightmares
80 years
Average Height
Average Weight
270-350 lbs.
Founding Emanation
Hruggek the Decapitator

Racial Stats



Ability Score Increase +2 Str, +1 Dex
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
When you make a melee attack on your turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
Powerful Build
You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
You are proficient in the Stealth skill.
Surprise Attack
If you surprise a creature and hit it with an attack on your first turn in combat, the attack deals an extra 2d6 damage to it. You can use this trait only once per combat.

Languages. Gobbledygook and Seldruin


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