Bane Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Black Hand

Bane stands as a formidable God of Tyranny, closely aligned with Enmensur the High Commander, as a consort god. This divine partnership epitomizes the essential principles of cosmic order and the enforcement of universal laws. Bane's dominion over tyranny, oppression, and absolute authority complements Enmensur's mission to safeguard the equilibrium of the cosmos and ensure adherence to the profound laws governing existence. Together, they underscore the paramount importance of structure and discipline in maintaining the delicate balance between order and chaos within the Eldrazion universe.   Followers of Bane, drawn by his unwavering resolve, are empowered with the strength and conviction needed to enforce and uphold the principles of order and control in their lives and communities. They labor diligently to establish and sustain systems of governance and authority that align with the will of Enmensur, striving to preserve the intricate harmony of the cosmos. Bane's influence over his devoted adherents fuels their determination to suppress chaos and rebellion, ensuring that the laws of the universe remain inviolate and that justice is unfailingly meted out - sometimes brutally so.   Within the Ministry Divine, Bane stands as a resolute champion of authority and serves as a crucial counterpart to Enmensur. Their divine partnership underscores the significance of adhering to the cosmic order, inspiring mortals to embrace the path of discipline and law. These devoted followers are encouraged to seek equilibrium within the grand tapestry of the universe while wielding their authority and control to maintain harmony, upholding the unyielding principles that govern the universe.
Holy Symbol

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