The Ministry Divine Organization in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Ministry Divine

The Ministry Divine is the predominant pantheon within Eldrazion, serving as the principal focal point of religious and spiritual life across the galaxy. Comprising both the esteemed Living Deities and their active attendants, the Consort Gods, this pantheon embodies a cohesive spiritual order that encompasses diverse divine domains.   The Living Deities, ancient rulers of the long-lost realm of Edras, remain predominantly secluded within Sanctum, the Heavenly City. They emerge only on rare occasions to observe and occasionally influence the mortal realm, leaving the daily interactions with the faithful to their devoted Consort Gods.   The Consort Gods, in stark contrast, maintain a constant presence in the lives of mortals, actively managing the divine portfolios associated with their respective Living Deities. These deities engage directly with worshippers, guiding them in matters ranging from love and art to war and death, demonstrating a profound commitment to their roles.   The Ministry Divine, with its distinctive blend of ancient grandeur and contemporary involvement, forms the central pillar of the galaxy's religious landscape. It shapes the beliefs, values, and practices of trillions of devotees who find solace, guidance, and purpose within its vast and intricate spiritual framework, ensuring the enduring vitality of faith across the Eldrazion universe.  

Living Deities (and their Consort Gods)


Oros, the Infinite

  • Moradin, the Soul Forger
  • Tholaunt, Scribe of the Gods
  • Cyndor, the Keeper of Infinity
  • Waukeen, the Coinmaiden

Enmensur, the High Commander

  • Torm, the Hand of Righteousness
  • Gruumsh, the One-Eye
  • Grumbar, the Earthlord
  • Bane, the Black Hand

Manem, the Cosmic Chaos

  • Cyric, the Dark Sun
  • Umberlee, the Bitch Queen
  • Hoar, the Doombringer
  • Istishia, the Waterlord

Arhah, the Life Bringer

  • Silvanus, the Old Oak
  • Rao, the Mediator
  • Sehanine, the Lady of Dreams
  • Chauntea, the Great Mother

Oolene, the Void Mistress

  • Akadi, Lady of the Winds
  • Shar, the Nightsinger
  • Selûne, the Moonmaiden
  • Sune, Lady Firehair

Sielach, the Battle Maiden

  • Kossuth, Lord of Flames
  • Milil, Lord of Song
  • Amaunator, Keeper of the Golden Sun
  • Corellon, the Coronal of Arvandor

Nimriel, the Death Singer

  • Incabulos, the Master of the Bitter Cup
  • Lolth, the Dark Mother
  • Kelemvor, the Great Guide
  • Loviatar, the Scourge Mistress

Lesu, the Star Walker

  • Tymora, Lady Luck
  • Olimdammara, the Laughing Rogue
  • Araleth, the Twilight Rider
  • Fharlanghn, the Dweller on the Horizon

Deceased Deities


The Forgotten One


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