Cyric Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Dark Sun

Cyric, also known as the Prince of Lies, is a dark and deceitful god. He is the god of murder, lies, strife, and chaos. Cyric embodies treachery and malevolence, and his followers often engage in deceitful and destructive actions. He is often depicted as a shrouded figure, hiding his true visage behind a mask of false smiles and sinister intentions.   One of Cyric's defining characteristics is his obsession with chaos and discord. He thrives on sowing strife and confusion, and his worshipers often cause turmoil and disorder in the realms they inhabit. Cyric revels in betrayal and is known for turning allies against each other, spreading false rumors, and manipulating events to his advantage.   Cyric's rise to power in the Ministry Divine is marked by the assassination of a series of now-forgotten consort gods. This act cemented his reputation as a malevolent and dangerous god.    Despite this malevolent nature, Cyric has a significant following among those who embrace chaos, deceit, and darkness. His worshipers include assassins, thieves, cultists, and individuals who seek power through manipulation and destruction. Cyric's influence can be felt in the shadows of the world, where his followers work in secret to further his chaotic agenda.   Cyric bears the distinctive mantle of a consort to Manem, the Cosmic Chaos. This divine pairing encapsulates the fusion of chaos and intrigue, representing the enthralling interplay between tumultuous forces and cunning machinations. Cyric's sphere of influence spans domains like deception, trickery, chaos, and shadow, harmonizing intriguingly with Manem's role as the harbinger of storms, vengeance, and boundless change throughout the cosmos. Together, they exemplify the intricate dance between turbulent upheaval and intricate stratagem, echoing the ever-shifting nature of Eldrazion itself.
Holy Symbol

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