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the High Commander

(a.k.a. Fangbane, Worldbreaker, the Mountain Triumphant)

Enmensur, known as the Lord of Beasts, is a formidable deity in the pantheon of the Ministry Divine. Celebrated for his domains of Earth, Strength, Honor, and Destruction, he embodies the unwavering virtue of strength and the indomitable spirit of honor. Enmensur is often depicted as a towering figure, standing firm and unyielding amidst a cavern, his gaze resolute and unwavering.   The core tenets of faith in Enmensur's teachings revolve around the principles of strength, honor, and responsibility. His followers firmly believe that inner strength surpasses mere physical might, and they venerate their bodies as sacred vessels, using them solely for virtuous endeavors. Enmensur's faith emphasizes the importance of strong leadership and the duty of those in power to uphold their responsibilities with unwavering honor.   Enmensur's presence is most keenly felt during religious holidays such as the "Coraetheon Games," a grand athletic competition held every six years, promoting the values of sportsmanship, physical prowess, and competitive spirit.   Temples dedicated to Enmensur often resemble fortresses, strategically positioned in defensible locations, such as mountain crags or distant astroids. These sturdy structures serve both as places of worship and as citadels stocked with weapons and provisions, ready for battles or sieges. Shrines to Enmensur can take various forms, from cairns crowned with helmets and blasters to stone menhirs arranged in geometric patterns or even natural caves deep inside alien worlds.   Enmensur's providence is subtle but profound. Messages from the Lord of Beasts are rare, often appearing etched in stone to those he favors. However, Enmensur primarily believes that true strength arises from within and, as a result, remains stoic and silent. Earthquakes are regarded as the ultimate manifestation of his anger.   Devotees seeking Enmensur's blessings partake in unique rituals, including self-scarification with sharpened rocks and branding themselves with smoldering holy symbols to gain increased might and vigor. To sanctify oaths and beseech the strength to uphold them, followers don the heaviest metallic armor and shout their pledges while vigorously striking their shields or armor-clad bodies. When blessing construction projects, adherents gather dirt and pebbles from the highest mountain peaks and deepest cave recesses, burying them beneath the building's cornerstone. Finally, when faced with impending destruction, a seeker may create or procure a sculpture representing the impending threat and shatter it atop an altar of animal bones, beseeching Enmensur for preservation in the face of certain calamity.
Holy Symbol

Current Location
Sworn Enemies
Earth Elementals, Non-Good Giants, Green Dragons, Rakshasa, Gorgons, Hags, Daemons
Favored Weapon(s)
Sacred Animal(s)
All Animals, but especially the Auroch
Sacred Color(s)
Brown & Orange
Common Worshippers
Nobles, Knights, Ranchers, Manual Laborers, Stonemasons
Preferred Offerings
Sacrificed Animals, Sculptures, the Crushed Bones of a Defeated Enemy, Oaths


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