Grumbar Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Earthlord

Grumbar, also known as the Earthlord or the Lord of Earth, is a powerful elemental god associated with the element of earth. He is one of the Elemental Princes alongside other elemental consort gods like Kossuth (fire), Istishia (water), and Akadi (air). Together, they represent the building blocks of the universe and play a significant role in the balance of elemental forces. Grumbar's essence and influence are deeply tied to the solidity, stability, and raw power of the earth element.   As the god of earth, Grumbar is revered by earth-based creatures, including earth elementals, dwarves, and those who work with or dwell within the earth itself. He enjoys deep reverence from asteroid miners or those who live within the belts. He embodies the qualities of endurance, strength, and unwavering stability. His followers often seek his blessings for strength in physical labor, protection against the dangers of the earth, and the mastery of earth-based magic.   Grumbar's influence extends to various aspects of the natural world, such as caves, mountains, and underground caverns. Dwarves, in particular, hold Grumbar in high esteem and often pay homage to him through craftsmanship and mining. His worshipers believe that the earth is the foundation of all existence, and they view Grumbar as the guardian and caretaker of this essential element.   In the Ministry Divine, Grumbar serves as the steadfast consort god to the indomitable Enmensur. Their sacred relationship signifies the unbreakable bond between the elemental aspects of earth, the unwavering strength required to uphold honor, and the cataclysmic potential for destruction when honor is threatened.
Holy Symbol

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