Gruumsh Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the One-Eye

Gruumsh is the chief god of the orcs, and he is widely revered as the god of war, conquest, and strength. He is depicted as a fierce and imposing god with a single eye, having lost one eye in a legendary battle. This missing eye is often a symbol of his relentless and unyielding nature, driving his followers to embrace the ideals of aggression and combat.   As the god of war, Gruumsh is worshiped by orcs and other belligerent species who revel in conflict and domination. His followers believe that strength is the ultimate virtue, and they strive to prove their worth through battle and conquest. Gruumsh's clergy often consists of ruthless warlords, commanders, and techno-shamans who lead their people in acts of violence and territorial expansion.   Gruumsh's influence extends not only to warfare but also to themes of loyalty and survival. In the faith of Gruumsh, society is built around the idea of strength through unity, and Gruumsh serves as the ultimate symbol of this unity. His teachings emphasize the importance of clans and tribes banding together to overcome common enemies and secure their place in the world.   Gruumsh's rivalry with the elven god Corellon is legendary. The two deities have been locked in a bitter conflict for ages, representing the ongoing battle between orcs and elves. Gruumsh's desire for vengeance against Corellon fuels the orcish lust for conquest and their relentless hostility toward elvenkind.   Gruumsh is a god that embodies the primal and destructive aspects of warfare, making him a central figure in the Ministry Divine. His followers seek power, dominance, and the relentless pursuit of their goals, often through brutal and uncompromising means.   His relationship with Enmensur reflects the complexity of the universe. Together, they embody the duality of strength and destruction, symbolizing the relentless pursuit of honor and the willingness to defend it through sheer might. This divine alliance underscores the multifaceted nature of the Ministry Divine, where even the consort god of war and destruction finds resonance within the domains ruled by the High Commander.
Holy Symbol

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