Incabulos Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Master of the Bitter Cup

Incabulos, the ominous Mastery of the Bitter Cup, is a god whose dominion is deeply rooted in the realm of nightmares, darkness, and suffering. Veiled in a sinister shroud and bearing a symbol of a diseased eye, he embodies the horrors that haunt the minds of mortals.   As the god of nightmares, Incabulos specializes in inducing terrifying and malevolent dreams that plague individuals in their slumber. His influence extends into the darkest corners of the subconscious, conjuring vivid and unsettling visions that torment the psyche. These night terrors often leave a lasting mark on those who experience them, feeding Incabulos' appetite for despair.   While his portfolio includes disease and suffering, it is the realm of nightmares where Incabulos truly revels. His worshipers, comprising cultists and dark magic practitioners, seek to invoke the dread of sleep and exploit the vulnerabilities of the subconscious mind. They employ these nightmarish powers to manipulate, control, and instill fear in those who oppose them.   Incabulos stands as the consort god to Nimriel the Death Singer. Incabulos, often associated with domains like plague, suffering, nightmares, and decay, complements Nimriel's dominion over death, war, blood, and nightmares. This unconventional divine partnership embodies the darker aspects of existence, where the dread of Incabulos meets the unyielding power of Nimriel. Their union creates a divine balance, where death and suffering intermingle, and nightmares can transcend into realms of war and bloodshed.
Holy Symbol



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