Istishia Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Waterlord

Istishia, often referred to as the Water Lord or the Lord of Water, is a divine being associated with the elemental force of water. He is one of the Elemental Princes, a group of gods representing the fundamental elements of the universe. Istishia is often depicted as a serene and majestic figure, draped in flowing robes, with water constantly dripping from his form.   As the god of water, Istishia holds dominion over all things related to this element, including oceans, rivers, rain, and even the water within living creatures. His influence is felt in the tranquil depths of the seas, the life-giving rains that nourish the land, and the peaceful flow of rivers. Followers of Istishia often revere the beauty and power of water, seeing it as a source of life and renewal.   Istishia's worshipers include sailors, fishermen, water mages, and those who rely on water for their livelihoods. They often pray to him for safe voyages, bountiful catches, and the gentle blessings of rain to nourish their crops. Temples dedicated to Istishia are often found near bodies of water, where his followers offer tributes and seek his guidance.   As the god of water and tides, Istishia's serene presence provides a calming influence amidst the tempestuous domain of Manem. Their partnership signifies a harmonious balance between the wild and unpredictable forces that Manem represents and the soothing, contemplative aspects embodied by Istishia. This union mirrors the idea that even in chaos, there exists a certain order, and in darkness, a glimmer of light.
Holy Symbol

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