Kelemvor Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Great Guide

Kelemvor is a god whose portfolio centers around death, the afterlife, and the fair and just treatment of souls in the realms of the deceased. He is often depicted as a stern but compassionate figure, robed in the attire of a gravekeeper, with a set of scales as his symbol, signifying the weighing of souls.   As a god of the Dead, Kelemvor's primary concern is the transition of mortal souls from the world of the living to the afterlife. He is responsible for guiding these souls to their rightful destinations based on their deeds and actions in life. Kelemvor is dedicated to ensuring that all souls receive a fair and impartial judgment, free from the influence of other deities or outside factors.   Kelemvor is commited to impartiality and adherence to a strict code of conduct. He opposes undead and necromantic practices, viewing them as unnatural disruptions of the natural order. His followers include morticians, judges, and those who seek to provide comfort and solace to the bereaved.   Kelemvor is also known for his role as the Lord of the Crystal Spire, the grand citadel in the Fell of Shadows where souls are judged and guided to their final destinations. His leadership in this realm ensures that the cycle of life and death is maintained with fairness and justice.   Kelemvor, often regarded as the impartial judge of souls, brings a sense of order, balance, and peacefulness to Nimriel's dominion over death, war, blood, and nightmares. He embodies the concept of the afterlife as a realm where the souls of the departed find their rightful place based on their deeds in life. This harmonious union between Kelemvor and Nimriel reflects the idea that even in death, there exists a sense of justice and fairness.
Holy Symbol

Current Location


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