Kossuth Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Lord of Flames

Kossuth, often referred to as the Lord of Flames or the Firelord, is a powerful divine being associated with the elemental force of fire. He is one of the Elemental Princes, a group of deities representing the fundamental elements of the universe. Kossuth is typically depicted as a commanding and majestic figure engulfed in flames, radiating both the destructive and purifying aspects of fire.   As the god of fire, Kossuth holds dominion over all things related to this element, including flames, heat, and the transformative power of combustion. His influence is felt in the flickering warmth of campfires, the raging infernos of volcanoes, and the destructive force of wildfires. Followers of Kossuth often revere the power and purifying nature of fire, seeing it as a symbol of both creation and destruction.   Kossuth's worshipers include fire mages, starship drive engineers, blacksmiths, and those who work with or rely on fire in their professions. They often pray to him for inspiration in mastering the secrets of fire magic, protection against the dangers of flame, and guidance in their crafting endeavors. Temples dedicated to Kossuth can be found in places where fire is celebrated and respected.   Kossuth stands as a consort god to Sielach the Battle Maiden, forging a powerful union between the domains of fire, battle, and celebration. Kossuth complements Sielach's fiery and martial aspects with a divine touch of fervor and passion and infuses her battles and celebrations with the blazing energy of the hearth. This divine partnership symbolizes the idea that the flames of passion and determination burn brightly in both the heat of combat and the joy of revelry.
Holy Symbol

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