Moradin Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Soul Forger

Moradin, known as the Soul Forger and the All-Father, is a revered god among dwarves and those who work with stone and craftsmanship. He is often depicted as a sturdy, bearded figure, clad in armor and bearing a mighty hammer. His symbol is the hammer and anvil, representing his role as the god of dwarves, creation, craftsmanship, and family.   As the god of dwarves, Moradin is considered the father and protector of this hardworking and resilient race. He is credited with having forged the first dwarves from the very rocks of the earth. Dwarves often turn to Moradin for guidance in their pursuits of craftsmanship, mining, and martial prowess. His presence is especially felt in the strongholds and mining asteroids that are the heart of dwarf society.   Moradin embodies the dwarven values of honor, family, and community. His followers believe in the importance of forging strong bonds within their clans and upholding their traditions and heritage. Dwarves often celebrate Moradin's teachings through elaborate rituals and ceremonies.   Moradin serves as a consort god to Oros the Infinite, weaving their divine influence into the domains of craftsmanship, creativity, and infinite potential. He finds synergy with Oros' boundless creative spirit, resulting in a divine partnership that embodies the endless possibilities of craftsmanship and ingenuity. This divine union signifies the belief that through tireless dedication and creative endeavors, one can unlock the infinite realms of artistic expression.
Holy Symbol

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