Nimriel Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Death Singer

(a.k.a. the Bloody Matron, the Crone at the Crossroads)

Nimriel the Death Singer, also known as the Bloody Matron or the Crone at the Crossroads, is the formidable deity presiding over the domains of Death, War, Blood, and Nightmares. The Church of Nimriel places a strong emphasis on death, burial rites, and the reverence of the deceased, honoring the cycle of life and mortality.   Nimriel's holy books and codes include The Taphoikion, a guide detailing last rites and funerary rituals, The Dirge Amaranthine, a hymnal containing ancient psalms and canticles, and The Confessions of Athar, a banned tome exploring madness and forbidden knowledge.   The tenets of faith in Nimriel's worship encourage an acceptance of death as an inevitable part of life, condemning the desecration of the dead, and denouncing the unholy undead while venerating Nimriel's deathless followers. The faithful are expected to ensure that the deceased receive proper burial and remembrance, as well as to demonstrate cold determination towards enemies. Honesty in revealing the harsh reality of existence is upheld, and the pursuit of conflict is encouraged to an extent.   Key holidays in the faith of Nimriel include Gravestide, a day dedicated to honoring the dead with cleaning of grave sites and offerings, The Festival of Spears, a celebration of past wars to appease Nimriel and prevent future conflicts, and Maiden's Lament, a solemn day involving ritual sacrifices as an offering to the Bloody Matron.   Temples dedicated to Nimriel often resemble dark and ancient cathedrals. Beneath these structures lie catacombs filled with crypts for the entombment of the dead, believed to bring favor from the Queen of Graves. Shrines to Nimriel can also be as simple as a single stone in a graveyard or an empty field marking the passing of a loved one.   Nimriel indicates her favor through stigmata or the appearance of white roses bearing thorns pricked with fresh blood. Displeasure from the deity may manifest as a taste of rich soil, the sense of losing something important, or terrifying nightmares causing physical harm.   Rituals in Nimriel's faith include conducting vigils at the edges of graveyards or battlefields to communicate with the dead, laying out bones in a spiral to end hauntings, seeking protection from bad dreams through the presence of a consecrated white dog, using rose thorn bracelets for healing blood illnesses, and growing white roses from soil mixed with an enemy's blood to invoke their demise.   Nimriel's faith centers on the acceptance of mortality, the protection of the sanctity of death, and the pursuit of conflict when necessary, all guided by a grim understanding of the harsh realities of existence.
Holy Symbol

Current Location
Sworn Enemies
Undead, Demons, Death Kisses, Night Hags, Red Hags
Favored Weapon(s)
Sacred Animal(s)
Dogs & Wolves
Sacred Color(s)
White & Crimson
Common Worshippers
Assassins, those Afflicted by Curses, the Haunted, Morticians, the Grieving
Preferred Offerings
Bottled Tears, Obelisks, Grave Stones, Human Sacrifices


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